Chapter Six

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"Would you like any more tea?" Yamato stood, taking empty tea cups to the kitchen.

"No thank you," Sasuke replied with a yawn. "I think I might actually try to- "

They both froze, eyes snapping toward the front yard.

"I heard it too. Stay inside."

Yamato was quickly out the door, tea cups abandoned on the kitchen table. His Kakashi was staggering home, exhausted, but elated at the sight of his love running toward him. Scooped up in strong arms, he tucked in silently to Yamato's chest, finally relaxing.

"Are you alright my darling? Do we need to go to the hospital?"

The Copy Ninja shook his head no, murmuring out, "Just tired... Hello, my love. I'm sorry I'm late."

"Shh, just rest. You're home now, that's all that matters. You're safe." Yamato began to move them inside, turning to see a dark haired Uchiha standing in the doorway. "I thought I told you to stay inside."

Kakashi shifted in his lover's arms, calling out weakly, "Sasuke..."

"I told him not to come out. You're not helping, Kakashi. Shush. He's safe and sound; happy to see you."

Drawing inside, the Uchiha watched in the hallway as Yamato laid his Sensei into bed.

"Hey Sasuke, you can come in. Everything is fine, he's just exhausted." The brunette turned into his lover. "I'm going to get you some water, do you need something to eat? Any medicine? Wounds to be treated?"

The silver-haired shinobi shook his head no, reaching up to remove his headband and tugging away at his mask.

"I got it." Yamato stopped him, discarding the items carefully, brushing a hand over his partner's cheek. "Do you want to wash down? Get in some clean clothes?"

"Sasuke first," he croaked out, reaching for his adopted son, still standing awkwardly in the doorway.

"No, no," He stuttered. "You need to rest. I'll let you get settled and sleep. I'll go get your water..."

"Sasuke, please. I missed you."

Glancing to Yamato for approval, the teen caught him mouthing the phrase, "just take a step." He swallowed hard, and moved into the bedroom, a knot twisting in his stomach. He had never been allowed in his parent's room.

"Sit with me a moment? I want to see my boy."

"I'll go get you some water and draw you a bath. You two catch up." Yamato placed a tender kiss on his lover's forehead, being pulled down for several more kisses on the mouth.

"Thank you very much, my Tenzo."

Kakashi finally released him, and looked to his adopted son standing and fidgeting uncomfortably by his bedside.

"So, what are you doing up at this hour?"

"What are you doing coming back three days later than you said?"

Smirking and raising his eyebrows, Kakashi conceded, "Touché."

"Are you alright?" Sasuke asked, letting his true concern break slightly through.

"Yes, thank you," His adopted father shifted with a grimace to better see his boy. "I am an idiot and just came straight home immediately after my mission was completed rather than setting up camp and recuperating before the journey home."

"That is idiotic."

"Well, do as I say and not as I do."

Sasuke grinned at their banter, teasing back, "You know, I'll never respect you as my father if you try and discipline me with that kind of logic."

Kakashi couldn't help the little tears that sprung up in his eyes, closing his lids tight and fast, trying to disguise stifling them with a forced yawn.

Realizing what he'd said, the Uchiha went rigid.

Yamato was back with a large glass of water and a few food pills.

"Well, I guess I'll go. I'm pretty tired now," Sasuke mumbled, beginning to back out of the room, his Sensei catching him before he could leave.

"Sasuke, I'm very glad to be home with you. Sleep well. Get some good rest; we'll be back in the training field before you know it."

"We're going to start back our dance training?"

The room fell silent. Kakashi's mouth falling open and Yamato's spreading wide with a smile.

"Yes-Absolutely. Absolutely we can, Sasuke. I would love that."

Sasuke's mouth curved into a tiny smile, remarking quietly before ducking out into the hall, "I would love that, too. Welcome home."

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