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(Jenna's Point Of View)

It has been two days and Niall and Emily are still fighting. About what? Who knows? They wont talk about it. They aren't even a couple and yet they fight more than a married couple. Today is Niall's birthday and we are all going to Six Flags, he doesn't know tho. It is a surprise. I also ordered a giant chocolate cake that has a figure of him on top. It also has the number eighteen since that is the age he is turning. Eighteen. He seems so old compared to me. Four years older. What an old man. I hope Emily cheers up for just one day tho. I mean its Niall's birthday. He deserves to enjoy it and to just have fun. I was in the van with Harry going to pick up the cake. I was so nervous it wont come out the way I planned, I want it to be perfect my little Nialler deserves it.

"Were here." Harry pulled the key out of the ignition. I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror to make sure I looked decent. Harry must have noticed because he sighed and turned towards me.

"Jenna, you look beautiful. Stop worrying." The only reason why I was worrying is because I don't want the fans to give me more hate just for not looking good when I'm out with Harry. He still doesn't know about the hate and I don't plan on telling him nor anyone. The only person tat knows is El. We were hanging out last night and it just happened to come up in the conversation, along with something else.


I was in the living room of our bus with El. It was around ten at night and every other girl was sleeping because they wanted to be energised for Niall's birthday. El and I didn't care. We are hyper girls, who needs sleep? I was sitting on the couch with her watching the show Friends when my phone started to buzz. I looked down and saw I had a mention on twitter from a girl named @Harrystyleshottie. I sighed and picked up my phone to look at what she said.


Ew. Your are such a whore. Go die. If you don't I will find you and do it for you.

When I read that, tears pricked my eyes. El noticed the glossiness of them and rapped her arms around me.

"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing." I locked my phone and put it next to me.

"It doesn't seem like nothing. Let me see." She reached over and grabbed my phone and before I could stop her she unlocked it and saw the tweet.

"Oh my god Jenna. Why haven't you told anyone you started to get hate?" She sympathetically said.

I shrugged. "I don't know. It just doesn't seem like a big deal."

"Well it is and you should tell Harry." I shook my head and reached over to grab my phone when she grabbed my wrist and gasped.

"What is this!?" She noticed my scars on my wrist. I must have forgotten to cover them up. I pulled my arm away.


"It doesn't seem like nothing!"

"Shush! It is." I didn't want her to wake up the other girls.

"Why did you do that to yourself? Because of the hate?" I shook my head.

"No. It happened awhile ago."

"Why did you do it?" I sighed and decided I could trust El. I told her the whole story about Adam and almost killing myself, cutting, and getting drunk and by the end of it and she was in a pool full of her own tears.

"Jenna, promise me you will never do something like this again." She shook me.

"I promise."

"Does Harry know?" I nodded my head.

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