Na Na Na

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(Jenna's Point Of View)

        I walked into to Maker Studios to see Allison sitting in the lobby while reading a magazine. I walked over to her and looked at name of the magazine. I am pretty sure it said Pop Rumors. She looked up at me and smiled. "Is the public supposed to know about your little love fest with Harry?" That made my stomach churn. No one was supposed to know besides the boys, the girls including Danielle, Perrie, and Eleanor, Justin, Paul, Allison, and my mother. My father doesn't even know. He doesn't even know I'm on tour. He thinks I am on a school trip and if my relationship gets out to the public he will find out and I will get much hate from so many directioners. My dad also might make me come home and that is something I dont want. "No. We aren't ready to announce it to the public yet, why?" I confirmed.

"Because I am reading a whole article about One Direction love." She smirked. What is she up to? 

"And?" I force her to go on.

"And it's talking about you, Kelly, Emily, and the other girls that are already dating some of them." She said. What? How do these people find out? "Give me that!" I screech and ripped the magazine fit out of her hands. "Excuse me!?" She protested. I just ignored her and started to read. It said.

One Direction Love Rumors

        Rumor has it that the famous British/Irish boy band, One Direction are all taken. Yes thats right Directioners. I said they were all taken. You don't believe me? I have evidence to prove it and I will share every bit of it with you right now. Most fans of One Direction know that band member, Liam Payne is dating Danielle Peazer. If you didn't know that then I will tell you all about it. In the past Liam Payne has talked about Ms. Peazer in many interviews, video diaries, and to people in general. He swears she could be the one. But is she the one for Liam Payne? Most directioners think not but some others support there relationship 100%. Some fans would say your not a "true directioner" if you are not supporting them. They say you should be happy for him and thats that. What I want to know is do you support them or dread them? E-mail Pop Rumor magazine for your responses. We would love to hear them. If you want to see Liam and Danielle together, then here is a picture of them from not too long ago.

        Now, on to the next band member of One Direction. He is hot. Nice. Talented. You all know him. Harry Styles. Yes girls, Harry Styles is rumored taken. There has been many rumors that One Direction has some new back up dancers which are female. Yes female and rumor has it the young Harry is dating one of them. Her name is apparently Jenna Falsca and the whole band loves her. Especially Mr. Styles. I'm sorry ladies but yes he is taken now. We have a picture of the new lovers walking together but sadly you can not see Jenna's face. 

        We are terribly sorry Harry Styles Fans. Yes your boys is taken. Now on to Louis. You all should know he has been dating a girl named Eleanor Calder. They have been dating for about two years and they seem very happy. I don't think many fans hate them and my sources tell me they going strong. Heres a picture of them.

        The next one to go is Niall Horan. Niall has been rumored to be seeing another girl of there new dancers. Her name appears to be Emily Dexter. Now we have no pictures to prove there seeing each other but we do have proof that get very friendly on twitter. Recently this morning Emily tweeted Mr.Horan that she loves him. If she loves him, then are they together? Thats the question I have been wondering. It is most likely a yes, sense Niall has been looking for a girlfriend, this girl could have changed that. Now lastly Zayn Malik. He is known to be dating famous singer Perrie Edwards but there is a rumor going around that he is seeing another girl and you guessed it. She is from there back up dancers. Her name is Kelly Mastro. She is Harry Styles rumored girlfriend's best friend and same with Niall Horan's. They are all apparently close and have been best friends since they were in diapers. They are also particularly close with Justin Bieber who is rumored to be dating Julia Pocka who is another back up dancer for the famous boy band, One Direction. Julia, Justin, Jenna, Kelly, and Emily have been friends forever including the last back up dancer Heather Moore is really the only single one is the dancing group. There group is known as 4ever and they are on tour with the band, One Direction including Justin Bieber as One Direction's opening act. I wouldn't be surprised is love happens everyday since Perrie, Danielle, and Eleanor are also joining them on tour for awhile. How does Zayn take that the two girls he likes are on tour with him? Together. Well. I would love to find out. If you know anything just e-mail Pop Rumor magazine and I will send you a free One Direction Poster. Thank you!

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