
35 1 3

Gender: Female
Tribe: legendary Wicked
Rank: S
Attribute: Lightning/Wind
Looks: waist length black and neon white hair, pale grey skin, neon blue and yellow eyes
Outfit: black body suit with a devil tail, white transparent skirt, Neon black shoes
Personality: crazy, evil, childish, kind
Likes: blood, ink, Batim and old time cartoons
Dislikes: sorrow
Friends: Casanono, Casanuva, Unkeen, Unpleasant
Attack: 163 noscope kick
Technique: Lightning gust (Lightning/Wind)
Inspirit: "YOU BETRAYED ME D:<"
Soultimate Move: "TRAITOR!!!!"
Skill: Heal

Theme: Build our machine lyrics

Based off of Bendy

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