
14 1 0

Gender: Female
Age: 19
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Anteater
Likes: Candy, Peace, Friendship, and Love
Dislikes: War, Vegetables, Hatred, and Separation
Fears: Losing her friends and the Ant Family
Friends: Truffles, Cerria, Confetti Frosting, Lianna, and Spirit
Enemies: The Ant Family, Tiger General, and Etc
Looks: Link pink fur, blue blouse, and a Violet bow
Personality: Kind, peaceful, mature, and loving
Crush: Open
Siblings: Rosebud (sister), and Dogwood (brother)
Cousins: Cotton "Cerria" Candy, Cinnamon Roll, and Rainbow Cupcake

Fun fact: She's the only Tree Friend to be an anteater

Fun fact 2: She can only sing high notes

Fun fact 3: She can do math and A.P.E.

Fandom: Happy Tree Friends


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