
34 1 0

Gender: female
Species: Flying Squirrel
Likes: Shifty, Comics, Music, Manga
Dislikes: Splendid, Books, Horror movies, Idiots
Sexuality: Straight
Fear: 666
Friends: Flaky, Splendont, Splendid on his side, Flippy and Fliqpy
Enemies: Splendid on her side, Lumpy, Mr. Pickles
Personality: Rebellious, Crazy, Heroic, Kind
Looks: Hot pink fur, light blue side hair, blue dress, robotic leg and hand
Boyfriend: Shifty

Fun Fact: She got her powers when she was 10

Fun Fact 2: She first met Shifty and Lifty at an Orphanage

Fun Fact 3: She hates Splendid

Fandom: Happy Tree Friends

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