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Gender: She-Cat

Age: 7 moons

Rank: Warrior

Looks: Cyan colored pelt, with Turquoise Stripe and violet eyes

Friends: Brighteyes, Hawkfeather and Lotuspelt

Enemies: Flamestorm, Darkstorm and Blazeshine

Crush: Hawkfeather

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Likes: Reading, singing, hunting and memes

Dislikes: Fighting, evil cats, boredom and Tulip

Clan: Elementclan

Family: Dawnblaze (Mother), Iciclestar (Father) and Forestheart (Sister)

Other: Sings somewhat greatly, She can't fight but she can hunt, she can't stand Darkstorm and Bloodclaw and three words

Fandom: Warrior Cats

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