SCP-84445 (The Fuser)

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Object class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-84445 is to be kept in a 99.7 centimeter room. (that's it)

Description: SCP-84445 Is a 46.7 meter Dark Gray machine that has three separated capsules that are presumably for fusing personnel/SCPs, It was found in the town of (Redacted), Maryland behind (Redacted) Middle School, Ever since incident 84445-1 only level 4-level 5 personnel are aloud to use the SCP. you can also defuse the personnel/SCPs.  (more coming soon)

Incident 84445-1: A level 1 and level 2 have used SCP-84445 in order to fuse SCP-682 and SCP-106.

Test Files:

84445-1: SCP-131-A and SCP-131-B and SCP-999 were put into SCP-84445

The result was a gelatinous Reddish-Orange blob with two spikes and three eyes. it was creepy. O_O'

84445-2: SCP-682 and SCP-106 were put into SCP-84445

The result was a decaying reptile with corrosion surrounding it. Oh god. o_o will this nightmare ever end?

84445-3: Dr. Bright and Dr. Kondraki were put into SCP-84445

The result was a four armed personnel with four eyes glasses and SCP-963 has been fused into him. It was pretty cool.

(More tests are coming soon.)


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