I think I love her.

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::Charlene POV:: 

He...He kissed me.  I don't know why but that kiss gave me chills. His lips were so soft. He was so gentle. I don't get why he did that. I don't get why I let him. That was my first kiss. Yea, I know lame, right? Why did he kiss me though. Why did I kiss him back? All these thoughts were running through my mind as I laid in my bed. I was really nervous when he started to grind on me. You know that feeling when you on a roller coaster and your stomach just drops? Yes, that how I felt. I can't believe I actually danced with him. He was tempting me, and then he gave me that adorable baby face. Trust me if you saw it you would understand. I only told him my name so he would stop calling me Bonita. I hate when he calls me that. Like dude, stop lying. I know I'm not beautiful, so cut it out! I don't understand this boy...what in the world would he want with a girl like me? 

::Jacob POV:: 

In that kiss I felt something but I don't know what. I can't get her out of my mind. I may have gotten her to open up to me but I still want to know more about her. Our little dance session really got me thinking. I'm glad she finally let me into her world. I know I've only known her 2 days but i just can stop thinking about her. I can't stop thinking about that kiss. Her lips on my lips were so scrumptious. Scrumptious, I know it's weird but that's the only word i could think of to describe it . It even gave me butterflies. I ran my hand through my curls smiling to my self. Wondering if she's thinking about me too.  

Skipping to Monday morning. (still Jacob POV) 

 On Monday morning I entered the school just looking around. Then I spotted Charlene at her locker. I knew i had to approach her because she wasn't gonna be the one to approach me. I stayed in my place for a while. I scanned her outfit. She had on a off-white leather jacket, a regular white T-shirt, jeans and black boots. I must say those jeans looked very, very good on her. I'm sorry! but I can't help but be perverted when I think about  her. I'm a 14 year old boy for crying out loud! I swear, If you saw her on the street you'd think she was a really short adult. I finally walked up her as she closer her locker...

::Charlene POV:: 

Gosh, I hate my outfit! It's highly uncomfortable. My mom forced me to wear it. She said jeans would "compliment my curves" Complete and utter bull! I hate jeans. They make me look....ew. I like sweat pants, but my mom doesn't want me to go all tomboy. Sometimes i wonder: Am I the one wearing the clothes or her?

I walked in to school seeing buses outside. I forgot we had a field trip today. We were going to the zoo for out Science class, to learn about animals and their habitats. I walked to my locker getting a few things and i closed the door to see him. He was wearing a regular black T-shirt with faded skinny jeans an a black rosary. I must say he looked....sexy? I don't know. "Hey, Charlene" he said leaning against locker. Thank you lord! He didn't call me bonita again, I swear if he did I was gonna smack that sexy spanish accent out of his mouth! "Hi..." I said. He slipped his hand in his pockets. "How was your weekend?" he asked smiling. "Fine..yours?"  I said. "Good, you excited for the field trip we have today?" he asked. "yea" I responded simply. he looked at my for a couple of seconds before taking "Can I....walk you to class?" (Science was second period so we had to go to one class before we left for the zoo. just to let you know) I don't understand...why is he being so nice? I didn't want to be rude, so i slowly accepted it. "Umm ok?" I said more in the form of a question.  He smiled. i could feel someone staring at me. i turned around to see Briana giving me her famous death glare. I got a quick glance at her then quickly cut my eyes away. As we started walking he put his arms around me. I had no idea what to do. Briana stared harder. She looked heated, like she wanted to kill me. In no time I took his hand away from me. "Why did you do that?" he asked while furrowing his eyes brows. I avoided the question " I h-have to go to the bathroom. "I'll uhhh see you in class, ok?" "Charlene, are you ok?" he asked with sincerity and care in his eyes. Just like on Friday when he found me in the bathroom. "Uhh yea I-I'm fine." he sighed and took my hand "Please...I just want to be you friend. You can trust me. Talk to me.. tell me anything" I felt a little chill going up my spine. He really sounded like he cared. "I'm fine Jacob, really, thank you for being so concerned" he smiled. i started to walk away to the bathroom "Wait!" "what?" "I'll see you later Bonita" I gave him that look. He winked at me. I knew I was blushing. What is this boy doing to me? I went to the bathroom, did my business and came out to see Briana standing there with two other girls. My heart dropped. I tried to walk past her. "Hey Piggy" she said with an evil smirk. I didn't say anything. "So when do you plan on going on a diet? I mean seriously, you need it honey." That hit me hard. I still didn't answer her. I went to the sink and washed my hands. i felt someone push me into the bathroom wall. I was still feeling weak so it hurter more then usual. She cuffed me face into her hands. "You listen to me you fugly dog! You stay away from Jacob. He doesn't want you! Why would he, anyway?! He probably just feels bad for your Rasputia looking a$*. I swear you disgust  me " she snarled I just looked at them emotionless. All of a sudden I felt a sharp shooting pain against the side of my mouth. I held it still trying to realize what had just happened. She punched me for no reason. Hot tears were streaming down my face. i knew if i hit her they would all gang up on me and beat me to death. She bent down to my level and roughly took my chin and made me look at her. "This is your first and last warning you stay away from Jacob! Understood!?" i was shocked. Briana had never really put her hands on me before because shoving me every once in a while. I just sat there crying my eyes out as they left laughing at my suspense. I knew I shouldn't have talked to him. Why god?! Why me?! I was so frustrated. There was blood all over my hand. I took a paper towel and wiped it off. Some was on my shirt. I didn't even bother to look in the mirror to look at the wound. i just didn't want to see my face right now. i decide I was still gonna go to class even though. I looked awful. I wiped my tears and walked out off the bathroom and walked to class. I got stares and laughs. Great. They probably  went around saying what they did. I didn't have my first period class with Jacob. Thank god. i would have to face him yet. I guess I'm going to have to avoid him. That's going to be hard because from the looks of it, he doesn't really give up that easy.

 I got to my class and took a seat. When class was over the teacher asked what happened and again I lade up a lie saying that I fell at home. She looked suspicious but she let it go. 

Now I have to go to my Science class so we can all go on the bus together. Everyone was standing. When I went in everyone automatically stopped what they were doing and stared at me, including jacob. He looked shocked.  He immediately came up looking at me with those caring eyes. he took me outside the classroom. "Charlene, what the he*l happened?! Who did that to you?!" He looked mad beyond belief but why? "Nothing..." I said without any emotion not looking at him. "That's not nothing, look you have blood all over your shirt!" he was fuming. Again, why? "Don't worry about it, Jacob." i said said calmly. That got him even more angry. "What do you mean don't worry about it? Someone but there hands on you, that's not ok!" I didn't say anything. i just look down at the ground "Look at me." he said. I didn't. He was causing a scene. "Charlene, Look at me! Now!" I was getting tired of him yelling at me. "Please...don't yell at me."  i said barely audible. he sighed and ran his ran through his curls. He was so cute when he did that. "Then tell me who did that to you." he said calming down "Why do you care?" "Because....I don't want to see you hurt" he took my hand and started to rub it. I slowly took it away. He took my chin and slowly made me look at him. He stared deeply into my eyes. "Did Briana do this to you" he asked with a somewhat stern voice. I sighed, moving his hand away from my face "Please...stop shutting my out. I care about you, Charlene. Please just tell me....please." i sighed shaking my head. Why the heck does he care about me?! I let out a heavy sigh "Jacob, I can't talk to you anymore" i said. "Why not?" he said furrowing his eyes eye brows I sighed. "Do you want me to be safe?" i asked him "Of course" he said taking my hand again. "Then, please....just ignore me" i said talking my hand away. "I can't do that" he said "please...Jacob...don't" "Why can't I talk to you....tell me." he said he got closer. As he got closer i backed up.  "Just don't ok? It's for the better" with that i walked back into the classroom frustrated. I heard him calling out to me but I kept walking. Jacob eventually cam back in and started talking to these boys that were in the class. Chresanto, Craig and Rayon (I know that's not ray ray's real name. Bare with me.) They never laughed when Briana pulled her tricks on me. They were pretty nice. once in a while they would ask me if I was ok. I appreciated that. Anyways,  I just sat in my seat waiting for us to leave. I could feel Jacob staring at me but I just ignored him. The one friend that I thought I would have. I can't all because of Briana. It's not fair! 

::Jacob POV:: 

I was so angry. Angry at the fact that she doesn't want me to talk to her, angry that Briana put her hands on her precious face. There was blood all over her shirt. I hated the thought of someone harming her. All she wanted was to be left alone.  I'm not gonna let her get away from me that easy. She was just starting to get comfortable. I want her to be able to trust me and talked to me. When I looked into her eyes I saw so many emotions . I refuse to let her go thru this any more. I know deep inside she didn't want to do that. What did she mean when she said if i wanted her to be safe, then i couldn't talk to her. I'm gonna get her to talk to me weather she likes it or not. I want her....I need her....I think....I love her. 

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