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I'm sitting here, dreaming of an alternate universe in which I tell you how I feel

And you know your face almost looks like my father's

Only younger and less angry and overflowing with wanderlust

Tick back tick back to when we first met

And took peaks at each other without saying 'hello'

And I'm sitting here, dreaming of an alternate universe in which wishes come true

We both know the worst part about being a Pisces

Is that we keep fishing

For a Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds kind of world

When life is actually a cacophony of strings attached

Wind back wind back to when you first realized

The movies in your head don't play out the way you plan them

It's not a crime to fantasize

But I sure feel guilty for letting myself down

So maybe sitting here, dreaming of an alternate universe in which I tell you how I feel

Is a waste of a perfectly good minute

Reveries swoon you over like fine wine

And reality is more like downing Children's Tylenol

But at least with the latter you grow stronger while too much of the former leads to alcohol poisoning 

I'm sitting here, dreaming of an alternate universe in which you hear my voice right now

I will never have the courage to turn this minute into a moment

But at least while I'm silent I can still imagine one

Where we stand together, united

Like the numbers on my clock

Daisy Chains {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now