01| Gummy Bears

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Mr.Ace's Beautiful Desire
Chapter 1
M a r i e l e n a

"Wake up ugly and get to school." An hearing killing voice wakes me. Yup, perfect way to be woken up in the morning. That's the start of my day for you.

Once i hear the room door slam, I get up from bed and head to the bathroom down the hall. Not before inspecting the water to make sure its clean - i grab my purple toothbrush and the mint toothpaste, i brush my teeth for a good 2 minutes then wash my face. I didn't take a shower this morning since i did it last night. I put on my outfit that i laid out last night and then my backpack. And BA BAM! I'm out the house.

I'm a foster kid. That's right a foster kid. You would think i have loving foster family because that what foster parents are there for; to be there for you when your biological family couldn't be. Wrong! At least that's not what my foster parents are. I don't even know why their foster parents! They don't even care for me. Weirdos. Ugly weirdos. They just want the mula.

Walking down the street, i spot Robert. Robert is a homeless man i've met walking down these very streets everyday for sometime. I walk farther up to him greeting the man, "Robert, Robert? How have you've been?" I ask. Probably not a good question to ask the man.

"Marielena, are asking a homeless man 'how they've been?'. well, you ask a homeless guy that always looks on the positive side of things which is me. But for your future, please don't ask any other homeless person that question." I nod my head understand what he's saying. he continues "I've been okay. Got some food to fill up my stomach from the shelter last night and some change. Tell me, how have those mean folks treating you?"

I smile down at the nice man currently sitting down on the concreate floor, resting his head and back on the lamp post behind him. he's always been one to keep a smile on his face through everything he's been trough. He even knows my past more than I do. he was a good friend of my Brothers.

"There mean folks." I mock his southerner accent which causes him to laugh lightly. "They've been mean. I wish you were my foster parent."

He looks up at me, "I wish i had money so that i can be your foster parent. But life isn't that easy. When your brother calls, tell him i said hi and that i miss him. Go to school and get that education you need in the future." He shoo's me away but not before waving a small good bye. People like him tend to get far in life. He's one of the last men on earth that should be poor and homeless.

Walking into school, i head to my locker and put in my combination. Our school isn't the bestest school but the teachers are smart and nice. Our town is the underprivileged town but a multi-millionaire's mother is a teacher in one of my classes. She's very nice and doesn't treat us like we are bacteria.

Grabbing the correct books I need and putting my backpack in my locker, i head to first period. I take my assigned seat next to my bestfriend Clover.

"Look at my hoe! Girl, did you hear what's going on today?" Clover hollers. He's always been the loud one.

"No. I just came in a while ago. What's happening? Oh, is Mrs.Robinson having us get checked for lice again? I don't know why she works here if she always worried about her hair, rather then our education." Man, do i dislike that women. What could possibly be going on today?

"Nah. Something better! Miss.Ace is out today-" Miss.Ace is out today? But I actually like her. I go to open my mouth to speak my thoughts but Clover gives me the 'don't interrupt me' look. How could i forget that my best friend doesn't like being interrupted?

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