울고 싶지 않아

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-울고 싶지 않아-

soonyoung wakes up with the similar stretch marks on his face. rubbing his eyes free from the grogginess, he pulls on a strewn pink sweater over his body and ripped jeans before heading out.


"good morning! what would you like?" with a cheerful tint to his voice, soonyoung attentively takes down the order the costumer had just given before passing the order sheet to his co-worker.

taking a breather before the rush hour began, the male takes a peek of his reflection in his phone, wincing at his bed-hair. his black hair was standing weirdly at some points but before he could excuse himself to tidy the mess up, seokmin, his co-worker nudged him obnoxiously.

"what?" glaring at his partner, he noticed that seokmin was actually pointing at the direction of a couple seated together at the back of the cafe. squinting his eyes slightly, soonyoung realizes that it was actually his boyfriend.

and he was legitimately kissing the living daylights out of the girl. increasing his grip on the counter, soonyoung felt his heart crush into bits and pieces before he notices that seokmin had told him to get home and take a break.


the next few days soonyoung was granted leave because seokmin had been a good pal by volunteering to tend the shop by himself. however, as soonyoung wallowed in the mess of his thoughts, receving endless of texts from his 'ex'.




sent at 25.05.17, 0900

hey. what's wrong??

sent at 26.05.17, 0300

what is your problem?

sent at 27.05.17, 1829


the male had spent his day-offs sobbing under his covers, thinking about how cute he and his boyfriend actually were. soonyoung and him, both of them together to fight against the prejudice of the world. soonyoung knew it was too good to be true.

stashing his vibrating phone under his heap of tissue papers, the black-haired stared blankly at his plain white ceiling. little cracks had began to form at the edges of the poor cement due to the building's old age.

before the male could further delve himself into the pits of despair, a knock sounded on his door. fighting the urge to yell an extremely rude 'go away', soonyoung closed his eyes and attempted to fall asleep but the knocking continued to sound annoyingly.

biting back a string of curses, soonyoung approached his door with irritation, glaring at the male who stood infront of him.

"hello! i'm seungkwan. boo seungkwan," the male smiled brightly, putting out his hand for a handshake which soonyoung rejected with a bored stare.

"i'm here to inform you that i'm part of this project that we are planning to introduce to the entire world. the sadness hotline," seungkwan rambled on, stuffing a flyer into soonyoung's hands before finishing off his speech with another smile before leaving.

eyes following the cringy texts printed on the paper, soonyoung unknowingly went up to his room tor retrieve his phone.

hands following the keypad and typing in the stated number, soonyoung was definitely in a daze until he noticed a voice on the other side of the line.

"hello!" the voice chirped, his voice carrying a similar tone to seungkwan's.

"h-hi," soonyoung mumbled, fingers playing with the edges of the flyer, crumpling the poor piece of paper.

"how may i help you?" the voice continued.

"is this the sadness hotline?" soonyoung muttered out, worry laced through his words.

"of course this is. what's wrong?" the voice tuned down its cheerfulness slightly, showing to soonyoung that someone was willing to listen to his problems.

"my boyfriend cheated on me."

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