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-MY I-

ruffling through his closet to find the smallest set of clothes for jihoon to wear, soonyoung decided to stuff the shorter into the shower.

pulling out a xs-sized pullover seokmin bought for his birthday, soonyoung grabbed a pair of jeans and hung them outside his bathroom.

when jihoon exited with his blonde bangs wetly hanging over his eyes, soonyoung couldn't help but find the other adorable. however, as soon as he thought that, images of his ex popped up in his mind.

groaning internally, soonyoung hurriedly stood up and left jihoon alone in the room.

harshly pressing 'block this contact' on his screen, soonyoung slammed the device on his sofa before leaving his house.


hearing the loud slam of a door, jihoon immediately got out of the room in the midst of drying his hair.

mumbling a slur of 'oh shit', the male ran out of the house, following the taller's footsteps.

"soonyoung!" jihoon yelled, panting as soonyoung turned around.

"don't follow me," the black-haired male replied stiffly, stopping outside a flat.

"you don't have to do this, you know it," jihoon blurted out loudly, eyes following the other's movement as soonyoung continued towards the door.

"i don't deserve this. i don't want to see him every time i look at you," the taller's words made jihoon stop.

the blonde kept silent as he gazed at soonyoung wordlessly knocking on the door.

when no one came after a few more moments, jihoon finally came to his mind and decided to pull soonyoung away.


entering the office and hearing a few shocked greetings from his friends, jihoon pulled soonyoung into the air-conditioned room.

"hi guys. this is soonyoung," jihoon lifelessly waved to the taller figure beside him before slumping down into his seat and resting on the table.

"oh my god! the famous soonyoung. you're hot," seungcheol cooed, slowly inching towards the male before pulling him out of the office.

"gonna bring him out on a date! bye!" after a few struggles, seungcheol and soonyoung left.

seungkwan moved over to the elder whose head was still buried in his arms. "hyung, what's up?"

when he started to hear a few muffled replies, seungkwan huffed and pulled jihoon up to seating position.

"i'm gay," the blonde exclaimed loudly, causing chan and hansol to scoot over to the scene as well.

"that i know," seungkwan wriggled his brows at the elder.

"remember mingy-" hansol piped up, his eyes wavering in curiosity.

"OH MY GOD, do you guys hate me?" jihoon groaned in exasperation before throwing his head back into his arms.

chan somehow managed to brew a cup of coffee for jihoon during this entire mess and while the eldest sipped on his coffee with three eager boys staring at him, he slowly went through the day's events.

'listen jihoon. soonyoung is probably using you as a rebound, so there's no point in you falling for a guy who looks so good 24/7 and is probably the sweetest person in your life.'

"what? you like soonyoung?" chan questioned. choking on his drink, jihoon sputtered out in shock.

looking incredulously at chan, jihoon wondered whether the youngest of his gang could REALLY read minds.

"no hyung. you're just saying everything out," chan annoyingly muttered under his breath.



coming back with two steaming cups of coffee, seungcheol slid into the seat opposite of soonyoung. before passing him the drink, the male wriggled his brows at the other.

"are you really in sappy love with our jihoon or you're just rebounding?" the male forwardly put out his words, causing soonyoung to shyly dart his gaze out to the cars zooming past.

heaving a deep sigh, the younger shook his head weakly.

"i really don't know. but why does my heart pick up pace when i see jihoon and whenever he gets upset, i get upset too?" soonyoung murmured, burying himself into his arms.

comfortingly patting the other's head, seungcheol sipped on his coffee more before sending a quick text to chan.


ok PHASE ONE done!!

wdym ??
soonyoung likes jihoon hyung?


ok so i'm at my grandma's house atm and i'm running on my data 24/7 SAVE ME

sadness hotline, svt soonhoonWhere stories live. Discover now