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phil🌵: hey guys !!

dan🌌: hey phil

phil🌵: where's peej and chris ?

dan🌌: chris is knocked out at my place. pj is probably stoned who the fuck knows

phil🌵: o h o k

dan 🌌 has added aspen🌻 to the chat.

aspen 🌻 : hiiii

dan 🌌 : heyo aspen meet phil

phil 🌵 : hi !

aspen🌻 : I already love you smh

aspen 🌻 has added bea 🌈 to the chat.

bea 🌈 : the only person you're supposed to love is me smh

aspen 🌻 : beA I can explain

phil 🌵 : she's cheating on you for me

dan 🌌 : why am I in the middle of this

aspen🌻 : bby no pls I can change

phil 🌵 : face it jae you love me more

aspen🌻 : you're my son tho

aspen🌻 : bea is my wife

bea 🌈 has blocked aspen 🌻.

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