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connor: hEy fam

jae 🌻 : hello son

bea 🌈 : eXcUsE mE

jae 🌻 : well I mean he's your son too

troy with an e: but he belongs to me

jae 🌻 : fair enough

phil 🌵 : you seem calmer today ???

jae 🌻 : (o´ω`o) 

dan 🌌 : v reasonable response

jae 🌻 : :D

dan 🌌 : phil has a point tho you're not as excited

jae 🌻 : ;))

dan 🌌 : I stand corrected

jae 🌻 : just a few things happening . im fine

bea 🌈 : you okay ???

jae 🌻 : you're back so yeah

phil 🌵 : aWee

dan🌌 : relationship goals 😫😫

jae 🌻 : yeah phil

phil 🌵 : what

jae 🌻 : what

dan 🌌 : im done

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