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Dan sighed. Phil had come for him, Phil had cared.

Phil finally slammed the door open and ran frantically around the house, calling out Dan's name.

Dan suddenly had an idea, an idea that could help him start over and end everything, without ending everything.

Dan quietly dropped the gun and slid it under his bed, and grabbed a pill bottle from his bathroom, opening the bottle and pouring a few pills in his hand, looking down at them.

He was doing this.

He was ready.

He tilted his head back as he downed the pills, knowing it wouldn't be long before he was gone for good.

His mind was gone, but his body wasn't, and that's what he wanted, was for everything to be gone.

Phil still hadn't found Dan yet, surprisingly.

Dam felt numb, like he could handle everything and feel fine.

The pills are kicking in, he thought.

He muttered a small 'goodbye, Phil.' as Phil stepped into his room, watching Dan collapse before him.

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