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this was really asked for
bold is phil, italics is pj


PJ was so terrified, he could barely type the numbers into his phone to dial Phil. He had to be extremely careful, as he was rushing to Dan's house. If Dan was being serious, they didn't have much time.

incoming call prom PJ

Phil was confused as to why PJ would be calling this late, but answered anyways.

[accept]   [decline]

PJ? it's late, wh-

I think Dan is considering suicide.

The line went silent as Phil tried to interpret what PJ was saying. Dan, the happiest, most playful person Phil had ever met, consider suicide? Phil must be dreaming.


I, uhm, think that's something that should wait. All that matters is that Dan is safe.

PJ rushed the words out of his mouth, trying to focus on the road, but with all the adrenaline rushing through his veins and the panic in his voice, it was probably the hardest thing to do right now.

A-alright. Where are you?

On the way to Dan's house now.

Okay, I'll head there now, have you tried contacting him?

He won't pick up.

Phil muttered a quiet 'fuck' under his breath, but was still audible to PJ.

Okay, I'll try to call him, and call you if he doesn't.

Okay, talk to you later.

And hopefully Dan, too.

And hopefully Dan, too.

The call ended, leaving Phil in not just shock, but tears, and leaving PJ to wonder whether his best friend was dead or not.


get your money hoe

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