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this is nor texting or calling,, just writing so I'm sorry but character development exists and so does the plot and I need to actually write so get there and finish this book k thanks :D


Dan sat in the middle of his bedroom floor, the salty tears running down his cheeks and hitting the floor. He watched them slightly as he dug the gun into his head.

He couldn't do it.

He just couldn't.

Phil Lester was stopping him, and he wasn't even here. He probably didn't know. He most likely didn't give a damn, either.

PJ was probably suspicious, but Dan doubted he was going to be making an arrival. He doubted anyone was going to show up.

Because no one cared.

The clear tears fell continuously as Dan watched them fall onto his arm.

He began thinking.

Tears were just like the rain: they would fall non-stop, just drowning everything in their way, stopping people from doing things. And they would always evaporate and create a new storm.

It was a strange thought, yes, but it was just something to think about.

Like Phil Lester.

How his raven hair would shine blue in the light. How pretty his eyes were, how you could shine a light on them and they were even brighter than before.

Phil made everything yellow for Dan. Phil made things happy, like a Friday. The day most everyone loved.

And to Dan, Dan was just a Monday, the opposite of Friday. Dan was blue-black.

Everything was blue-black for Dan.

But now everything was just black.

Beautifully depressing.

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