With All My Heart Pt. 1

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   "Pound it!" Ladybug smiled at her partner as they celebrated their  victory once more. It had been a tough battle and she was relieved it was over. The heroe's miraculouses beeped and Ladybug was about to take off when Chat Noir stopped her. 

   "Wait!" He cried out, and she stopped and looked at him.

   "Please... I... can't wait any longer. I must know who's behind the mask...." 

Ladybug sighed. Will he ever understand? 

   "Chat... I'm sorry. You know the rules and I–"

   "I know, I know. We can't reveal our identities and all that. But just listen to me! It's been so long! Aren't you curious? What if we know each other? We could hang out outside of being superheroes! Don't you know how cool that would be?" 

   She looked down at her feet and thought for a moment. It has been so long, and she really was curious. And who knows? What if they do know each other? It would be more helpful in a way. But she can't. It's too much of a risk. And Tikki told her that it has to be kept secret. What exception is Chat Noir? 

She stood there in silence. She didn't want to disappoint Cat Noir with a "no", but she couldn't give in either. 

   "At least let me tell you who I am?" Chat pleaded.

Ladybug looked at him and shook her head. She felt guilty, but she had to do the right thing. 

*beep beep* 

Chat was disappointed. But he listened to her, not because it was right, but because he loved her and he would do anything for her. And it was time she knew it. 

   "I understand... and I won't go against your wishes. But there is something else I want you to know, and I've wanted you to know for a while:" Chat's heart pounded in his chest. He was ready. 

   "Um, I... I... loveagirlandidontknowhowtotellher." He blurted out. 

What the heck Adrien! You idiot! That's not what you were supposed to say! 

   "What?!" Ladybug exclaimed. 

   "THAT is what you wanted to tell me?! You couldn't have waited?? Oh Chat why do you have to be this way." She sighed in frustration. "Fine, I'll help. Just practice with me and speak from the heart."

Chat bit his lip. If only she knew just how hard that was. Speak from the heart. Okay Adrien you got this. 

He closed his eyes and breathed in...

   "You... are like... stars in the sky. You make my darkness seem so much brighter, even if you are so far away. There are so many parts of you that may seem scattered, but they are so beautiful, and together they make you shine. Without you this world wouldn't be the same, the light, beauty, help and confidence you have would not be here, and I would be empty without you. And even when I cannot see you,  I know you are out there, and in my heart. No matter what happens I will always protect you, and I would give up every moment in time to be with you. My love for you is bigger than the universe, and you are worth more than the amount of stars in the sky. And though the universe may fade over time, and the stars go out, i will keep my promise forever. Ladybug, I love you. With all of my heart." 

   He opened his eyes and looked at her. Her mouth was open in shock, and her gorgeous bluebell eyes were wide. He softly smiled and blushed at her. Then suddenly he froze, and his jaw dropped. 

   "My... Lady?" 

A/N: Sooo... what do ya think? I think it's kinda cheesy, but it's my first one shot, so what can I say? Would you like the second part? Let me know if you liked it in the comments! Bye!

(Also please tell me if there is any typos so I can fix them, thanks! <3)

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