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Hey readers! This book as over 2k reads! This is my first 2k on any of my books, and I just wanna say that I am so thankful for you all, even though I've said it before, I really am. Not just because you read my book, but also your encouragement and friendliness makes me so happy and you are all wonderful people. I'm really blessed by all of you and I would like to get to know you more! Don't feel shy to reach out to me, I love talking to people and pm-ing! 

So I wanna talk about a few things today. Something that has been really bothering me.  So you know how in episode 26 - Volpina, Lila moved from Italy. Therefore she  is Italian. Well, "fox" in Italian is "volpe". In this episode, Lila names herself, just as LB and CN both named themselves when they first became heroes. So it's most likely that when Alya gets the fox miraculous she won't be named Volpina(I'd actually rather she not be, cuz it makes me think of Lila and that is not a good thought). So we know from this that Lila probably can't read the book. But something else really poked at me during this episode. When Lila first steals the book from Adrien, she says "a vixen super heroine? Interesting." So at first I thought, how does she know it's a vixen super heroine? She must be able to read the book somehow. Well I was wrong. 

A vixen is a female fox. 

I feel so stupid.  

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