Chapter four: Secrets

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When Evelyn woke up, she noticed Zac was still passed out in the floor. She put one foot on the floor, trying to be as quiet as possible; being sure not to wake him. She stepped over his legs and walked through the door. She popped her head into her brother's room, and he wasn't there. Confused, she walked downstairs. Which she, again, found empty. Confused, she texts Josh. "Where are you?"

"I went over to Nikki's last night after you fell asleep. She thought someone was breaking in. Everything's safe, I just passed out on her couch on accident."

"Oh, okay. You gonna hang out over there for while?"

"Yeah, probably. I'll text you or Zac if anything changes. Is he still there?"

"Yeah, he's asleep."

"Okay, I'll text you later."


She walked into the kitchen and pulled some toaster waffles out of the freezer. She put a couple of waffles in the toaster and sits at the kitchen table. Zac had layed his jacket on the table, which she proceeded to mess with. She grabbed the cuff on the sleeve, and just held it, stretching the elastic.

Zac sat up, moving the blanket off of himself. He sets the borrowed pillows and blanket back on Evelyn's bed and walked down the stairs. He comes into the kitchen to see Evelyn messing with his jacket.

"Hey." He said, yawning and rubbing his eyes. 

"Morning. I'm making waffles if you want some. Or I can make you something else." She says, letting go of the blue fabric.

"Waffles sounds great." He says, smiling.

Evelyn smiles back. "Um thank you for staying with me last night. I just don't like being alone at night as it is, so when I have nightmares, it makes it all worse."

"Sure. It was really no problem. Thanks for loaning me those pillows and blanket."

"Yeah, of course." Zac raises his hand and itches the back of his head; his shirt lifted up as he did so, revealing his v lines. It sent her mind into a frenzy. She thought about walking over to him, and grabbing his face and kissing him and running her hand over his peck.

She was snapped back into reality by the toaster popping. She jumped up, grabbing two plates and setting them on the counter next to the toaster. "Would you like one or two?" She asked Zac.

He responded with a very sleepy "Two, please." She set two on his plate and took the one that was left over.

Handing him his plate, she says, "I'll grab the syrup. Do you want butter or anything?"

"No, syrup's fine, thank you."

She nods, pulling the bottle of store brand syrup out of the pantry. She set it infront of him and grabbed some silverware for them both. 

After sitting with Zac in complete silence, her phone started ringing. "Hello?" She asked into the phone.

"Hey, Evelyn. It's Logan from school." 

"Oh hey, Logan." She said. She mouthed an 'I'm sorry' at Zac who gave her the 'it's fine, go' face. She stepped onto the back porch.

"Hey, so I heard about what happened yesterday with Jacob."

"Oh, you did?" 

"Yeah, I'm really sorry by the way. I've always hated that Jacob kid anyway. I think you're better off without him."

She felt her lips turn up into a smile. "Thanks, Logan."

He cleared his throat on the other end of the line. "Anyway, the real reason I called was, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me tonight? I know it's late notice, but I thought maybe you needed a little break from people constantly appologizing and asking if you're okay."

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