Chapter six: Falling more in love

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Sun, sand, waves, and sunburns. The beach. Evie's favorite place to be. She layed across her beach towel, on her stomach. She had her $5 Walmart sunglasses on her face. Laressa and Nikki layed on either sides of her and the guys were off in the water.

"So," Nikki says, turning her head towards Evie. "How do you like being with Zac?" 

"Oh, I love it. He's so sweet. Did I ever tell you about the night we got together?"

"No! Spill!" Nikki calls out, shoving Evie's shoulder.

"That's a story for another time," Ev responds, smiing. "But I'll tell you that he saved my life."

"What do you mean?" Nikki asks.

"Well, you know about my depression stuff, right?" Nikki nods. "Yeah, that night, I was going to cut myself again, but Zac stopped me. I know that if he hadn't, I would still be self-harming and I would have probably lost my life to it." Ev says.

"Aw," Nikki says. "That's probably the sweetest thing I've ever heard."

Evie giggles, rolling onto her back, to get an even coat from the sun. "Barf," Laressa says, rolling over too. Laressa had never really been into the gushy, romantic things that most girls were. She loved Daniel, of course, but she never wanted the big romantic gestures most woman our age craved for.

Nikki and Evie both laugh at Laressa's comment. Zac and the guys came walking over, standing in the rays of the scorching sun. "Hey, baby," Evie says, standing up and wrapping her arms around Zac's neck. Zac placed his hands on her hips, and pecked her cheek.

"Why don't you guys come down to the water with us?" Zac asks.

"I'm in," Evie says. "Y'all gonna come?" She asks Laressa and Nikki.

They both chimed a "Sure," and got up to follow.

God, that water felt so good compared to that California heat. Evie slipped in the water until it reached her waist, and fell back into it. She looked up through the murky salt water. The rays cascaded through the water, reflecting off the scales of some fish that swam by. She was captivated by the rainbows that were the product of the sun shining through the water. She hadn't been to the beach in so long, so she knew this was a memory in the making. 

She reached water surface, and gasped for air, then threw her loose hair up into a pony tail.

Zac came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, smelling the sea water that was in her hair and on her skin. He kissed her cheek, tasting the salt. He turned his head away and spit the taste into the blue ocean waves. Evie giggled, turning around in his arms. He kissed her forhead, causing her to smile. 


Back in the motel rooms, they all took turns in the shower, getting the sand out of places where it shouldn't be. Their hotel rooms have that door that connects their rooms, so they just left that open.

"Hey, Ev?" She heard Zac say from the guys room.

She popped her head through the door saying, "Yeah?"

"You wanna walk down to the vending machine with me?"

"Sure," She responded, grabbing her door key before interlacing her fingers with his and exiting their rooms.

When they walked into the room off the hall that had the vending and ice machines, Zac, surprisingly, grabbed his girlfriend and pushed her against the wall, softly. He placed his hand on her hip as she lifted that leg up, placing it against his side. They're lips met and it felt like the first time they had kissed; like fireworks on the Fourth of July. He placed his other hand on her cheek before sliding it up into the back of her hair. Evie placed one hand on his cheek and the other on his back. They both smiled mid-kiss before Evie let out a giggle.

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