My Insinuating Visions

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As I walked around the dark interior I questioned a lot of things. My life was changing. I made out a few voices of disdain and fear but I tried to block them out. Their cries for help. Their hatred towards me. Then the people I love telling me why they still loved me. Who loved me? My mom? But who else...everyone I loved was dead. There was no more than one. Nobody even knew who I was. Derek was a nice friend but he wasn't anything special. I would kill him if it meant bringing my dad back. I grasped my head in my hands and tried to take that thought back. Murder wasn't right. None of this was. What happened to me?! After reading about the power of changed me. I didn't like murder or death. It was the worst thing ever and I was causing it. If I kept going down this path I won't be able to change my fate. My fate of being hated by everyone...even my mom. I can't let this happen!
I opened my eyes quickly and jerked up bed? What happened? Was that a dream? I looked around my room surprised to see Hikari eating a bag of potato chips and Derek sleeping in the chair next to me. How did this happen?
"Hikari, what's going on?" I asked him.
"I took some potato chips and now I'm eating them!" Hikari proclaimed. Oh my God.
"No, how did I get here?" I asked him.
"Derek took you here after you passed out" Hikari told me.
"Does anyone suspect anything?" I asked him.
"No, they're all clueless" Hikari said and then laughed. I heard a slight moan escalate from Derek's lips. I looked to see him opening his eyes.
"Who were you talking to?" Derek asked and then let out a yawn.
"Myself" I said quickly. He pulled out my phone from his pocket and handed it to me. Oh my God! He then stared at me seeming for me to want to say something. I heard Hikari chuckle.
"Are you okay?" Derek asked me.
"I'm fine" I told him.
"You can tell me anything, man...just trust me. I can help you through whatever you're going through" Derek suggested.
"No, you can't" I said. He grabbed my hand and encased it in his.
"It's your new phone...isn't it" Derek asked. WHAT?!
"Wow, he's smart" Hikari said. Shutup!
"People die whenever you take a's like a fairytale come true" Derek said. A fairytale? Man, he should know I don't like that kind of stuff.
"Stop making up stuff" I said and finally pulled my hand out of his.
"But I'm not...that thing that happened in Japan twenty years ago whenever Light Yagami wrote someone's name in the notebook with their face in mind, they died. With your phone it holds the same power" Derek explained. Stop it!
"Light Yagami..." Hikari trailed off in thought.
"Stop playing around, it's not funny" I ordered him.
"Zayn...I saw the manual on your desk over there" Derek said and pointed to my desk. Dammit!
"I didn't kill anyone!" I raged at him. I can't control my emotions right now. All those people are dead because of me. All because of me! I'm sorry. I pulled Derek into a hug and began balling my eyes out.
"I knew you were too much of a wimp to use the Death Phone...Light Yagami would've executed this way better than you ever had in mind" Hikari said disappointed.
"Don't compare me to him!" I whined.
"I won't" Derek said slowly.
"Your whole attempt at this was just sad. You couldn't even get through one week with murdering people" Hikari continued. Just ignore him.
"How can a human make such dumb mistakes? Unbelievable!" Hikari proclaimed. I hated myself too.
"Are you still going to resurrect your dad that you murdered?" Hikari asked me.
"I don't know" I said softly. Derek ended the hug to look at me but kept me in his arms.
"You don't know what?" Derek asked me.
"I don't know why I thought I could kill so many people just to bring back the one I love" I said.
"What do you mean?" Derek asked me?
"It's this rule in the manual...if I kill everyone except for the ones I love....I can bring my dad back" I explained.
"That's crazy..." Derek trailed off. It was crazy.
"Next thing I know you'll have a shinigami haha" Derek joked. But I did. I proceeded to take the white case off of my phone and then passed him my phone. He took it with a scared expression. Derek looked around the room as he gripped my phone. He spotted Hikari and his eyes grew wide.
"Hey there" Hikari greeted him. Derek was just there frozen in place not saying anything. Hikari was a scary looking monster after all.
"Want some chips?" Hikari offered.
"Sure" Derek muttered handing me back my phone.
"Too bad" Hikari said bluntly and slammed a handful of chips into his mouth.
"How are you even believing this right now" I asked him. Derek looked at me and smiled.
"Because you're a god" Derek said. A god? Was he crazy?!
"No, stop exaggerating, dude. I am not a god" I told him.
"But you are. You can control when people die! That's only something a god could do" Derek explained. I guess he was right. Wait, was he encouraging me to kill people?
"I don't know if I want that power" I said quietly.
"You shouldn't's attractive" Derek spoke slowly. What was he getting at?
"To girls haha....I mean, yeah girls" Derek added embarrassed.
"He is a god" Hikari said. I was? I am!
"I am a god!" I proclaimed. I am a god. I am a god! I had the power people would only dream of. I am invincible.
"So you're okay with me killing people?" I asked Derek.
"I'm not okay with it but I'm afraid if I didn't support you, you would kill me" Derek explained.
"I wouldn't kill you, man" I told him.
"Or so he says" Hikari spoke. I may have thought of ending his life but I would never proceed in doing so.
"I don't count in the other part of the population. I count in his loved ones" Derek defended himself. He was technically my best friend.
"In the end your friends won't be your friends. Your 'friends' are your weakness and should only be used for your own gain. This world is rotten, and those who are making it rot deserve to die" Hikari said. The ones who made the world rot?
"So that doesn't include innocent people, for Zayn's own personal gain?" Derek asked him.
"If I had the phone I would be using it a lot differently. He can do whatever he wants with it" Hikari told him.
"Anyways...I can trust you, right?" I asked my friend.
"In this world, there are very few people who actually trust each other. In my opinion you should kill him so there's no chance of your secret escaping" Hikari told me. But Derek was my friend.
"I'm trustworthy. I wouldn't let his secret slip" Derek promised. I believed him.
"Why do you care for him so much?" Hikari asked surprised.
"That's a secret too" Derek said. Huh?
"If it ever comes down to it we'll reveal both secrets to the public. But only if we're won't come down to that" I explained.
"Don't be surprised" Hikari said. He was a weird shinigami. It's almost like he's been through this before. I don't think it turned out too well for him.

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