I Don't Care

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Nothing goes right. There's nothing left to take, but I still try to reach, but for what? I take it in but I'm still confused. I'm a tragedy, I'm trying to hide. Nothing goes right and I'm to blame. Everyday would be the same, nothing more with little change. If I cared, it would mean nothing. It's all such a pain. Friendly bonds are so uneeded. I just don't give a damn. Could it be, that 'family' was a way of escape? I didn't know what was right, so I threw it away. I couldn't take it anymore, I had taken enough. So then I hid my need for 'love'. There wouldn't be, such a need for casualty. I'm alone, and that is how it'll be forever. Why does everything I do cause tragedy? Why does everyone I know keep leaving me? Why do I feel so empty inside?
I kind of want to die...Nothing goes right. I'm to blame. I can't remember...that very day. That very day changed me. Happiness died like a light. But what did I forget?
"Zayn?" Derek asked worried. Huh? We had been sitting down in AT&T for a while. The person helping us disappeared and never came back. Common sense was finally coming back to me.
"Let me go" I mumbled. He looked at me confused.
"I'll finally be free from this" I said uneasy.
"Free from what? You're scaring me dude" Derek said.
"I'm sorry" I said sadly. Gah! Stop it! What is wrong with me?
"Something just came over me. I don't know what I'm thinking" I said warily.
"No, tell me. It's okay" Derek promised.
"I was just-" I started but stopped as the guy who was helping us finally returned. He sat back in his chair with my soon to be phone.
"I'm sorry I took so long. Someone tried to return a hacked phone and I had to reason with them to go home" The guy explained. Why would someone bring in a hacked phone?
"Was it a...Samsung Galaxy?" I asked.
"No, an IPhone 7" The guy told me.
"He hates Samsung Galaxys" Derek explained.
"I got that" The guy said jokingly. I had asked him earlier if they were selling Samsung Galaxys against their will and he said yes. I knew it.
"How much were they selling it for? $50?" I teased.
"Actually yes" The guy said surprised. Wow.
"What was their name?" I asked without even thinking.
"Some guy named Javier" The guy said. Javier? I bet people call him Javi.
"Was he our age?" Derek asked him. Hm?
"Yeah" The guy said slowly.
"I think I know him. He's cute" Derek said. Please no.
"Uh huh...so here's your new IPhone 7 in the sparkling red. Would you like a case with it?" The guy said handing me my new phone. I felt like this was my 3rd IPhone 7. Weird.
"You have any Otter boxes?" I asked him.
"Of course" The guy said. He quickly walked over to the shelves and grabbed a few. Oooooh red!
"I want the red" I said quickly. He handed it to me and I smiled. Red and white with a touch of gold. IPhone cases were the best. After paying for my items I decided to go home. Derek insisted to stay with me so I let him. There was no harm in it....unless he tried something.
"Do you ever feel like you forget something do important it's like you lost a whole chunk of your life and who you are?" I asked him. He gave me a worried look.
"No, do you feel like that?" Derek asked me.
"Yeah" I said quietly.
"I don't think anything happened" Derek said thoughtfully.
"I do things and I don't know why I do them. I think of death all of the time and don't know why. Everything is all my fault but why? What's wrong with me?!" I freaked out.
"Hey, look!" Derek said pointing to the tv. What? Oh! What??
"Multiple heart attacks have been reported around the Nevada area. We do not know why they have suddenly started again but we know the cause is Amida" The news reporter spoke. This was terrible.
"I'd like to see Victor accuse you now" Derek said. Exactly! The tv them flashed to a familiar character. It was V in his covered up attire.
"We know this is the work of a second Amida. How I know....I don't, just a hunch" V spoke. Was he serious?
"I know who the first one is but he's not important right now" V said. He wasn't letting this go.
"If you see someone taking pictures and acting suspicious call the police immediately. Amida is after us all. It's all apart of his diabolical plan" V explained. The tv then went back to the normal channel. Whatever! My new phone suddenly beeped. A text message? Must be from AT&T. I opened it and read carefully. 'Hello, master. I have the phone so don't worry...you're safe' it read. What? What phone? I would reply but it's so weird that I don't even know what to say. It was the most mysterious message I've ever received. Must be a wrong number. If they text me again I'll tell them that whoever they're looking for isn't me.
"I think I should get going. My parents are expecting me so we can go out to eat" Derek suddenly said.
"Oh, okay dude" I said. He gave me his signature smile and made his way out of my house. Wait, he doesn't have his car...?
"Dude!" I shouted walking after him.
"Yeah, I don't have my car haha" Derek joked as we stood on my porch. I laughed a little as we made our way to my car. As I drove him home I couldn't disregard the weird message. It was so weird but why did I feel like it's exactly what needed to happen...?

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