Getting Cornered

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It seemed as if I was being followed but I could never find any sort of thing chasing me. I was going insane. I would walk and sense someone so I turned but no one would be spotted. It was crazy. I felt like holding my phone behind me and recording but who knows who I would kill doing that. I don't want another accident to happen. That's why I never used the record option. It was way too risky. Someone I cared about could walk in front of the camera without me even knowing it. I wouldn't have time to act and they would be dead before I know it. If I do see them get recorded then I would have to take five years off of my lifespan. Something only a mentally insane person would do.

Finally arriving home I flopped down on the couch. I felt really tired all day. With the V thing that happened yesterday I couldn't sleep. I was up all night thinking of ways to kill him and all kinds of possibilities of me being caught. If I'm caught I'll be sent to jail and all of this death would be for nothing. I can't let that happen. I felt my eyes beginning to close and I let them. I needed to relax.
"Wakeup, Zayn!" Hikari freaked out waking me up from my slumber. What now?! I opened my eyes slowly to see him hovering above me.
"What?!" I hissed.
"Someone's in your house" Hikari said. What?! Am I going to die? No, I had my phone. I shot up from my couch and scanned my house.
"Where are they?" I asked Hikari unlocking my phone.
"Over there" Hikari pointed. I looked to my back door to see it fling open. A man with black hair wearing a black trench coat was all I saw as they ran for their life. Should I go after them? They could've stolen something!
"Who was that?" I asked Hikari deciding not to run after the mysterious man.
"A detective" Hikari said. A detective?! But why was he in my house? He wasn't allowed to do that!
"Why was he here?" I freaked out. They were on to me! V!!
"He was looking for the notebook...but those don't even exist anymore" Hikari told me. Yeah...they would never suspect my phone was doing the killing. I just needed to be more careful. I stood up and went to go close and lock my door. Did I leave it unlocked? Dammit!
"They're on to me, Hikari!" I freaked out.
"You should have been more sneaky. I've never seen someone get caught this fast" Hikari told me. I wasn't caught yet.
"I'm going to find V" I said starting to pace back and forth.
"How are you going to do that?" Hikari asked me. Silly shinigami.
"At school I'm going to find him in the morning, take his picture, and watch him die" I explained.
"Seems like a dumb plan" Hikari told me.
"Do you have any better ideas?" I asked him.
"Yeah, don't kill him a couple of days after he accused you. More people will just suspect you. That's how we got to this predicament in the first place" Hikari explained. But he needed to die!
"Fine" I muttered. Hikari let out a sigh and floated to my kitchen. I quickly went after him.
"I ran out of chips thanks to you" I complained. He started to go through my closet of snacks. Oh my God!
"Stop it!" I ordered him. He disregarded what I said and kept throwing my food around.
"Where are they? I need them!" Hikari started. Why? They weren't even that good.
"I don't care. I ran out of them. My shipment of them doesn't come in until tomorrow" I told him. They were special chips you didn't find in the regular convenience store.
"Gah, I'm gone then" Hikari said. Where was he going?
"See you in jail" Hikari said and floated through my ceiling. This shinigami was crazy. Oh well...I need to get to bed. I'm still tired.

The next day of school I didn't spot Victor in my science class. It was highly concerning. At lunch I scanned the whole cafeteria but he was nowhere to be found. I couldn't even face my friends. Too many people might suspect me. I sat at a table all by myself. I decided to look at the tv I couldn't even hear because of the loud lunchroom. I just read the subtitles of the daily news. 'Chip Bags Stolen From Supermarket In Japan' it read. Hm? '100 bags of Seneca apple chips were stolen' it read. What?! Those are my favorite chips! 'The security cameras looked like they malfunctioned as it showed floating chip bags being taken out of the store'. Hikari!!! I swear to God!
"Interesting, isn't it?" A familiar voice said from behind me. Before I could turn around the white haired boy sat beside me. Just who I wanted to see!
"Why did you send detectives to my house?" I asked him angrily.
"I sent a detective yes...He searched your whole house but didn't find a notebook. Quite peculiar" Victor said. I hated this man.
"That's because I'm not Amida" I said.
"Unless there is something else...something that isn't a notebook" Victor suggested. Oh no. Oh noooo. Stay calm.
"Now you're just making stuff up. What could that object even be?" I asked him.
"Well, I've thought about it. The notebook incident occurred over twenty years ago. Maybe...something else became a substitute to disguise what we already know. Something that is used all of the time without any questions asked" Victor said thoughtfully. Don't say it. Don't say it!
"Something like" Victor said. Impossible!
"Is that why you wanted a picture of me so bad? Were you trying to kill me?" Victor asked me. I'm gone!
"You're crazy" I said standing up. I packed my lunchbox up fast and began to walk away.
"Bye Amida" Victor spoke. Whatever. I kept walking until I was out of the cafeteria. I can't believe what just happened. V was a deducting genius. Why did he have to exist to make my plans fail? No, they haven't failed yet. They won't fail. I won't let some cop wannabe stop me.

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