Victor Knows All

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(Derek's POV)
I hated to see my best friends scared for his life. He came to my house every now and then but it has never been this serious. This V character really scared him. Zayn was one step closer to being planted in jail and he was depending on me to help him. What I needed to do was take that phone away from him. I did not approve of the Death Phone at all, believe me. He needed to be stopped but I wasn't going to be that person. If I tried to stop him he would try to kill me. I know Zayn doesn't like anybody to get in his way. The only one to stop him is himself. He needs to come to the realization that his dad's life isn't worth everyone else's. I know he loved his dad...I know he did. But, this isn't the answer. He needs to be like a normal person and grieve his father's death. I know it may be hard but how does he think the other families feel that lose their members one by one. It's terrible. I know Zayn thinks he's doing the right thing but he isn't. I don't know why I'm not helping him. I'm scared...I'm scared of a lot of things.....especially my secret.

I drove to Victor's mansion and sighed deeply. No wonder the kid was a cop already. He bought himself into the force. I got out of my car and went up to the door. How could someone be so rich? I rang the doorbell and it was soon a butler. Who?
"Who are you, sir?" The butler asked me.
"I'm Derek, here to see my friend, Victor" I told him.
"Do you have a phone on you?" The butler asked. Oh dang.
"Yeah, here" I said and handed him my phone. I didn't feel like arguing with him to keep it.
"You may enter" The butler said. Uh huh. I entered the mansion and my eyes grew wide. The pillars, the multiple rooms, the water fountain? WOAH! I am mind blown.
"V is upstairs" The butler said. Okay. I went up the curved stairs and gasped. So many rooms. Which room was his? I walked all the way to the end of the hall glancing in every room. The final room at the center at the end of the hall I spotted V in his master bedroom.
"Hey, buddy" I greeted.
"Hello, Derek" Victor said strangely. He was on a computer so I decided to take the couch.
"Why are you messing with my best friend?" I asked him.
"I'm not messing with him. I'm simply investigating him" Victor told me.
"Well you need to stop. You're scaring the poor kid" I said.
"Well if he's not Amida then there should be nothing to be afraid of" Victor contradicted me.
"He's not Amida. How could he not be scared when he woke up to a strange man in his house?" I accused him.
"He is Amida and you know it. You came here to cover for him" Victor said a little mad.
"He is not Amida. I would know if he was. I know everything about him" I said. I hated lying but Zayn was worth it.
"Not anymore" Victor said menacingly. This kid was crazy. He wasn't letting this go.
"What proof do you have that it's even him?!" I freaked out.
"It's simply a hunch. I'm 85% sure he's Amida" Victor admitted. He's accusing him off of a hunch.
"The phone thing is also a hunch. I do not have any proof as of now" Victor continued. Does that mean Zayn is safe if he stops doing suspicious things? No, he'll always suspect him.
"Stop accusing him. He just lost his dad" I complained.
"I know" Victor said.
"Why would he kill his own dad?" I asked him.
"Abuse?" Victor asked me. Oh my God!
"He loved his dad and his dad loved him. He would never hurt him!" I finally told a single truth.
"I see" Victor said quietly. How dare him think that. Just to assume something so terrible would make anyone mad. Victor was begging to get jumped. I should ask some of my friends to do the deed.
"Why do you care for him so much?" Victor asked me realizing my sudden silence.
"He's my best friend that I've know for longer than I can remember" I told him.
"Still...nobody would do this" Victor trailed off.
"It's a secret" I said softly. His face contorted into confusion and then understanding. He couldn't possibly understand or figure out what it was. No, he was a deducting genius! I am so dead!!
"You have feelings for him, don't you?"Victor hinted. SHIT!
"No!" I freaked out. Stop it! I am so done!
"You're gay" Victor said. No!
"I'm going to leave now" I said standing up. How did he figure it out so quickly? NO!
"Don't worry. I won't tell. That's your business not mine" Victor said. Good. I wanted to leave but I couldn't. I need to tell him to back off.
"Leave Zayn alone else you'll have more to worry about then a damn phone" I threatened him.
"I'll try...but there are no promises" Victor said. I'm starting to hate him.
"And...sadly, Zayn isn't gay" Victor added. What? How the?
"How the hell do you know that?!" I asked angrily.
"Just a hunch" Victor said. I flipped him my middle finger and walked out the room. I hated him so much. How dare him say something like that! He didn't know anything about him! I walked out the mansion and walked to my car. Time to go home and tell Zayn to be careful. This just got serious.

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