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"Well, where could it have gone?" Clarke asked them, walking towards the ship

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"Well, where could it have gone?" Clarke asked them, walking towards the ship. Raven rolled her eyes at her. "Don't bother looking. Its obvious someone cut it." Sebastian eyes darted to where he had last seen Bellamy Blake. It would make sense that he would steal it. He did shoot the chancellor after all, why would he want the Ark to be able to contact them, much less come to Earth? Clarke's arms uncrossed and she started waving them as she talked. "Someone got here before us, we have to find him."

She then took off and the other three followed behind her. They twisted through trees, never slowing their pace until they saw and reached Bellamy Blake. Clarke ran up to him and shoved his shoulder, fire in her eyes. Bellamy smirked, "Hey princess, you taking a walk in the woods?" He chuckled lightly under his breath. Clarke sighed exasperatedly. "Where is it Bellamy?" Bellamy shrugged, an arrogant smirk never coming off his face. Sebastian clenched his jaw tightly and narrowed his eyes before marching up to the two.

"Listen here Blake, they're planning to kill three hundred people up there to save oxygen. They don't give a shit whether they're children, teenagers, or adults. Now I know you don't have a golden reputation up there with the council, but the children don't deserve this. If you don't give us that radio and let them die you're just as bad as the chancellor!" Sebastian fumed, poking his finger at Bellamy's chest. Bellamy's eyes downcast but he never said anything. Not that he quite had the chance too since Finn came rushing up and shoving him roughly. "Where is it Bellamy? Where's the radio?" He yelled, shoving him over and over. Bellamy waved his arms open as he spoke, "I have no clue what you're talking about!"

Raven then caught up, slowed down because of her head injury. Her head cocked to the side. "Bellamy Blake? They're looking everywhere for you." She joked, laughing lightly. Bellamy narrowed his eyes at her. "Shut up."

"Looking for him, why?" Clarke inquired. Sebastian crossed his arms, a smug look on his face as he stared at Bellamy. "He shot chancellor Jaha." Clarke and Finn's eyes widened. "That's why you took the wristbands. You needed everyone to think we were dead!" Clarke snapped. "And all that 'Whatever the hell we want'? That was just about saving your own skin." Finn stated. Sebastian became dismayed. Did they not have any rules here? Bellamy groaned and began to walk away. "Hey shooter! What'd you do with our radio?" Raven demanded, stomping up next to him. "Get out of my way." Bellamy said with a hard voice. "Where is it?" She demanded yet again, not moving an inch. Bellamy tightened his jaw. "I should've killed you and your stupid boyfriend when I had the chance."

Finn looked at Sebastian strangely, but Sebastian ignored it. Instead he marched up next to Raven. "Like you even could have Blake. You can't even make a good shot, I doubt you'd be able to kill us." He remarked. Bellamy's eye's widened a little. "What do you mean?" He inquired. Sebastian rolled his eyes. "The chancellor's alive, you're a shit shot." Bellamy's posture immediately changed. His arms fell flat at his sides and he almost looked vulnerable.

"Bellamy don't you see what this means? You aren't a murderer, that's not who you are. You always did what you had to do to protect your sister, that's who you are. You can do it again, by protecting three hundred of your people. Where's the radio?" Clarke all but begged. Bellamy's eyes softened. "It's too late." Sebastian curled his hands into fists. "What the fuck do you mean by that?"

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