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A group of the 100 and Sebastian and Raven were searching the river for the radio, which Bellamy tossed it into

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A group of the 100 and Sebastian and Raven were searching the river for the radio, which Bellamy tossed it into. Sebastian was biting his lip anxiously as he ran his hands through the water trying to find the device. He had tried his best to ignore everything Bellamy Blake was saying, he figured it wouldn't be best to get in a fight with the man after being on Earth for not even two hours. His trail of though was cut off as he heard someone yelling that they had found it.

Everyone then rushed over to the kid who was now holding the drenched radio in his hands. Raven made it first and held the radio delicately, a calculating look in her eyes. "Can you fix it?" Clarke asked in a snippy voice. Raven chuckled dryly. "Don't ask me, Seb is the radio genius."

She then handed the device over to him, which he turned over in his hands. It was completely soaked, but it could be salvageable. Thanks to the coating of rubber on the wires. His eyes trailed up to see several faces looking at him anxiously. "It'll need to dry out for awhile. Until then I won't be able to tell what's broken or not." There was a collective sigh of exasperation.

"Like I said, it's too late." Bellamy muttered with crossed arms. Clarke marched up to him and got all up in his face then, rage evident in her eyes. "Do you have any idea what you did? Do you even care?!" She hissed. Bellamy kept the same apathetic expression on his face. "You and wonder boy asked me to help. I helped." He said in an even tone. Suddenly an idea struck Sebastian. "Wait a second. We don't have to necessarily talk to the Ark right? We just have to let them know we're here." He intervened. Finn's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Yeah, but how will we do that without a radio?" Sebastian smirked and began to walk back towards the escape pod. Everyone stood with confused expressions except for Raven, who raced to catch up to Sebastian. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She smirked. "You know it." Sebastian chimed.


Sebastian paced anxiously as he watched the teenagers pick apart the escape pod. The risk of having uneducated kids working on the piece of machinery caused his skin to crawl. Just one wrong twist of a wrench in the wrong spot could make the whole thing explode. However, there wasn't much he could do about it though. They were in a clinch for time and needed all the help they could get.

"You really think this whole rocket idea will work?" Bellamy asked from beside him. Sebastian jumped slightly, startled at the sudden presence of the man. "All depends. We've got to have enough power behind it. Plus there's always the burn time and cloud cover problem." Bellamy crossed his arms yet again, Sebastian had noticed he had a tendency to do that. "Oh yes obviously." He remarked in a sarcastic tone. Sebastian narrowed his eyes but didn't say any more. Bellamy coughed offbeatly and rubbed the back of his neck. "So why exactly did you guys come down here?"

"As I've told you, they're planning to execute three hundred people, maybe even more. Besides, it wasn't like it was the Ark that sent us anyhow." Bellamy raised his eyebrows, seemingly intrigued. "Oh? Then who did?" Sebastian's eyes went to Clarke, who was talking the Raven. Bellamy followed his line of vision. "Abby Griffin, Clarke's mom, sent us. She was supposed to come with Raven and I but got held back, wouldn't be surprised if she's been floated by now." Bellamy furrowed his brow. "Why do you say that?" "Let's just say we...broke some rules to get down here." Bellamy whistled crisply. "Damn, I sure underestimated you 'radio genius' " Sebastian shoved him roughly. "Shut up."

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