Baby-fied!?!?!? (Adrien x Female Reader)

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Okay, I'm back guys!!! Hopefully, and anyway I am soooooooooo sorry for the month long wait. This story has been on my brain since I first saw the Miraculous show so I hope you guys like it!!!

Ps. Your superhero persona is one that I created: Aracnea, the spider miraculous. 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Third Person P.O.V~

     Screams and cries echoed around the streets of Paris. It was a normal akuma attack and people were running for their lives from some one who had dubbed themselves CryBaby. CryBaby was a little boy that had been ridiculed for crying at school and acting like a supposed baby. His powers as you might of guessed were being able to turn citizens into the toddler version of themselves, as revenge for being dubbed a baby.

      And that is were we find our heroes now. Chat and Ladybug were chasing after him on foot as Aracnea followed after the duo by swinging from web to web across the buildings to help keep a constant vigil on CryBaby. The villain let out a child like wail as he spun around and faced the two heroes on the ground, before Aracnea swung in front of Ladybug and Chat landing with a web like whip in her hand. 

      "I AM NOT A BABY!!!!!! AND YOU CAN'T TREAT ME LIKE ONE!!!" CryBaby screeched as he starts to fire at the heroes with his menacing rattle. Ladybug and Aracnea dodged with no problem but Chat seemed to be a little bit distracted so he was a little late to dodge causing Aracnea to block the  shot with her whip. "Get your head straight!" Aracnea called to him as she jumped to the right to avoid a light blue beam headed for her. 

       Chat nodded and the fight resumed like how it should of been, except for when Ladybug tripped. CryBaby took this as a prime opportunity to fire another beam at the heroine. Aracnea yelped and jumped in front of the polka dotted hero as Chat let out a cry in protest. 

      The beam knocked straight into the spider themed heroine and she was blasted to the side, meanwhile Chat let out an animalistic growl before charging directly at CryBaby. Although before the black cat could lay his claws on the villain, a baby like cry echoed around the street and Ladybug gasped.

              Sitting in the street was a smaller version of Aracnea, her short (H/C) hair waved slightly as the wind blew against her pony tail. Tears streamed down her face as she made grabbing motions to Chat Noir. "Kitty! I'm scared!!" The now baby-fied Aracnea cried out to the black cat while Ladybug gestured for him to come take her.

          Chat walked  over to (Y/N) while CryBaby started to make his get away. Ladybug glared before placing her hand on Chat's shoulder "You take care of Aracnea while I get the akuma, deal?" She asked him before seeing him nod and with that she took off after the akumatized villain. Chat glanced down at Aracnea, seeing his crush as a toddler was something completely foreign to him.

      Adrien picked up the young (Y/N) and held her protectively to his chest. With a sigh he looked down at her and raised an eyebrow, "Are you okay Aracnea?" The (H/C) just tilted her head and looked back up at him before looking down at her shrunken super-suit "Who's Aracnea? I'm (Y/N)... " She trailed off as she pulled at her miraculous spider glove. 

      Chat let his eyes widen as his mouth fell open in shock. His crush was the cute shy girl in the back of his class?!?!?!? (Y/N) giggled and reached up to pat his cheek before reaching higher to pet his ears while Chat was frozen from shock. A beeping coming from (Y/N) wrist brought him out of his trance and he noticed there was only one string left on the web of her miraculous. With a yelp Chat brought out his staff and extended it to bring (Y/N) out of public view for when she detransformed. The closest place was actually Adrien's home where he then shot in through the window with (Y/N) held tightly in his arms.

       Chat landed in a crouch before he stood up straight and set (Y/N) on his couch as a grey and purple light swirled around her and in her place sat a small (H/C) girl wearing a fuzzy cat onesie that she had changed into after school. Adrien let out an 'awe' once he saw what she was wearing, before he called for Plagg to detransform him "Plagg, Claws In!"

      And with a magical swoosh and a stream of bright green light, Chat Noir was transformed back in to regular old Adrien Agreste. (Y/N) clapped and giggled before reaching for the famous blonde boy to hold her.  Adrien smiled softly and picked her up as he cradled the girl to his chest "Kitty!!!" (Y/N) squeal when she was picked up and she immediately curled up closer to him. 

        Adrien blushed slightly but smiled wider as he watched the girl in his arms. Adrien sighed and moved (Y/N) to rest on his hip as he pulled out his phone to call Nino or Alya to ask for advice on taking care of children. Adrien first dialed Nino's number but all he got was voice mail, and the same happened with Alya. Adrien furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before shaking his head "They probably got babytized" he mumbled to himself as (Y/N) started to play with his hair. 

            (Y/N) was having the time of her young little life as she played with the blonde boy's hair. It  was so fluffy!! (Y/N) let out a giggle before yawning softly and leaning against Adrien "Kitty... I'm tired!" she said as she looked at him and tried to rub the sleep out of her eyes. Adrien looked down at her and had to refrain from just trying to keep her this age forever cause she looked so adorable. (Y/N) started to wiggle in his arms until Adrien was forced to set her down, and the second her feet hit the floor she ran over to his bed and climbed onto it before laying down. 

      The youngest Agreste laughed and followed her, as soon as she laid down he pulled the comforter over her and sat down next to her. "You look so cute (Y/N)....... and I wish I had the guts to tell you that when you were actually my age...." He mumbled to himself, not noticing the swirl of red magic ladybugs wrap around (Y/N) turning her back to normal. 

      "I like you to dork.... " (Y/N) said softly as she cuddled deeper into the blankets and drifted of into a deep sleep. Adrien let out a gasp of shock as his head shot up and he stared at the now 15 year old girl sleeping in his bed. The Agreste boy broke out into a dark red blush that covered his cheeks. (Y/N) made no motion that she was awake but her hand slowly moved under Adrien's and she tugged gently. Adrien got the hint and laid down next to his lady as he smiled brightly before he started to play with her hair softly.......

   And that's where we leave our heroes, with this little moment of sunshine in a world that is mostly all storm. If you were wondering, Ladybug did manage to defeat the akuma but had to deal with the side effects of Alya blabbering on and on about how she saw Aracnea get turned into a little kid before she got blasted with one of the beams.


And that's it!!! What did you guys think?!?!?  and again I am so sorry for the delay but I have been swamped with school and babysitting but now that it's summer I should be able to post more frequently!!!       And Remember To



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