Chapter 1 - Memories

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7 Years Later

I leap high into the air, spinning and kicking my opponent, Xander, in the face. When I come back down gracefully from my kick, I see he's holding his cheek.

"Damn, girl. I may be paranormal, but those kicks of yours hurt like hell." He complains. Xander is probably my best friend here at ParaCo. He's gay and gigantic, built like a bodybuilder. He also is a Metal Mage, giving him the power to basically do whatever he wants to metal. He can sculpt it, melt it, wield it, heat it, freeze it... you get it.

I met him only a day after I came here to ParaCo, my first day of Studies. I still remember coming here for the first time, right after the incident with my home being destroyed and my father murdered...

I looked out the windows. The limo was slowing down, but we were in the middle of nowhere, up in the mountains, somewhere in America. To get here, I'd travelled with the man, who told me to calm him 'Mr. Crane.'

The name totally worked for him. He was muscular, but mostly in his upper body. He was thin, but still graceful and elegant, almost unnaturally so.

He had a sharp face, and a straight nose. I couldn't see his eyes, as they were covered by dark sunglasses.

After about a two hour drive, we got to a private airport. There, we'd exited the limo, and men who wouldn't talk escorted us to a very nice private jet, which took off quickly. We were in the air for about 13 hours, and I slept most of the time.

When we finally landed, I was given no more information other than the fact that we were now in America! Being from England, I'd travelled a lot, but never to America. Their culture fascinated me, so I was glad to be there.

Then in the final leg of the journey, I got into another black limo that took us for about a 5 hour drive, up to the mountains. Now, we appeared to arrive. But where had we arrived? I still did not know.

We parked near what looked like an arch made of a tree. I got out of the car, and Mr. Crane and the chauffeur, a burly man with a round face, got out too. I looked around at the landscape. There were no buildings around, and other than the tree-arch thingy and a glittery stream, there wasn't much here.


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"Uhhhh... may I ask what we're doing here?" I asked, not really expecting an answer.

Burly Guy didn't say anything, just looked at Mr. Crane from under his hat. Mr. Crane said, "Rayna... welcome to ParaCo, your new home."

Oh heck no. Some muddy old forest was gonna be my new home? Granted, they probably had something up their sleeve, but you can't just conjure a palace out of nowhere. Can you?
"Seriously. What are we doing. I'm not in the mood for any jokes." I huffed, getting annoyed.

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