Chapter 10 - Dangerous Encounter

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Human Subjects was soooooo boring. I hadn't had classes like these since I went to an actual human school, when I was 11. Back then, I'd hated subjects like math and history. Now, I had those again, except I was way behind. I wasn't great at math, because I hadn't had math since I was 11. We had Studies at ParaCo, but it didn't include utterly useless subjects like mathematics. Who cares what x is when you can shift into a dragon?

Well, they cared here. It must've been pretty suspicious when I barely knew what eight times seven was. Then we did some studying on human history, including when the clay pots were first invented, and how they came up with the wheel. Yawn.

Finally, we had to do an essay on this book they'd all read. Luckily, I was excused from the assignment as I hadn't read the book.

Anyway, I darted out of Human Subjects faster than a wood nymph. Wood nymphs are very fast.

I checked my schedule, and my next class was Languages. I didn't really know any, except English and some Latin. I wondered how advanced the class was going to be.

When I walked in, the teacher, an African-American lady, immediately started talking to me in what I assumed was Spanish. When I looked at her with a blank stare, she switched to French, and received another glassy look. She sighed, then tried Portuguese. Italian. Mandarin. But like I said, I only know English and Latin.

Finally she sighed again, and said in English, "What languages do you know?"

"I know English. And some Latin." I replied.

"I'm going to have to move you down to a Level 1 Languages class. Only one language? Not even Spanish or French?"

I shook my head, and she sighed again. "Well, there's no use in you sticking around here. Have a free period, and I'll inform you what time your new class will be at."

I nodded and left. I had History next, but I had a lot of time between then and now. I wasn't sure what's to do, until I felt a stirring in my stomach, and a flame near my heart. I knew that it was my dragon.

When I haven't shifted in awhile, or I'm in a stressful or new situation, my dragon can force her way out. Which was definitely a bad idea at a school for Hunters.

When I got to my room, I paced back and forth. What to do, what to do? If I didn't let my dragon out, she might force her way out in the middle of class or something.

Finally, I stuck with the simplest option, yet a very risky one. I planned to shift right here, in my dorm, where anyone could walk in at anytime. Such a bad idea, but what else could I do?

I stopped pacing and stood in the middle of our dorm. For this to work, my dragon had to be out for at least an hour. This meant I'd be late to History, but this was more important.

My skin rippled and stretched as I filled it in, and my wings rose from my back. It wasn't painful anymore, but it wasn't the most comfortable thing I'd felt either. It was a quick change, and probably only took a second or two.

Then I was in dragon form. In the middle of a school for Paranormal Hunters. This was so bad.

I wasn't that much larger in my dragon form than in my human form, though I had wings and a tail that made maneuvering around in the small dorm difficult. I decided to lay on my bed for an hour, and maybe get some sleep...

I woke to a knocking on my door. I coughed out a bit of blue flame in surprise, and realized I was still in my dragon form. But I couldn't shift back.

When I'm in stressful situations, it's very difficult to keep my dragon caged. When I'm already in my dragon form, my body does this annoying lockdown thing and I am physically unable to transform.

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