Chapter 5 - Day One

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After pushing a very old wooden key into the keyhole, the door to my new room swung open automatically.

With wide eyes, I walked into the room, staring at everything. The room was almost star shaped. One point was a short hall that connected the doorway to the room. I glanced down at the mat, which was just inside the room, by the door. It said, Non est ad astra mollis e terris via. Huh. A Latin phrase. "There is no easy way from the earth to the stars."

I looked around. In the short hallway I was in, there was a mirror to my right and a painting to my left. The painting was of a woman, who looked badass carrying a bow and arrow, shooting at huge wolves. A few of the wolves already lay on the ground, dead or dying. The gold plaque at the bottom read, "Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt."

I moved on, and walked into the more open space of the room. In the closest point of the star to the left, there was a bathroom. The door was open, revealing a small room with a toilet, a small shower, and a sink. Despite the size, it looked luxurious and clean. To the left of the bathroom was another room, but there was a curtain blocking me from seeing inside.

To the left of that was a small bedroom, complete with a side table, a twin sized bed, a chandelier hanging from the tall ceiling, drawers built into the wall, and a picture.

The bedsheets were ruffled, and the picture looked personal. It was of a girl who looked to be about eight years
old. She was smiling at the camera and side-hugging a middle aged woman, who resembled the younger girl.

The girl and the woman both had dark brown, straight hair. They also had golden brown eyes, but the girl had larger eyes than the woman. The girl smiled a wide, gap-toothed smile, while the woman had a closed lipped, sad smile. I turned away from the photo.

I continued to look around the room. Next to the bedroom was another bedroom, nearly identical to the bedroom next to it. Except this one clearly was not inhabited. The room was clean and the bedsheets were perfectly smooth, though a thin layer of dust covered the bed. I opened a drawer and found nothing inside. The walls were dark red, like the other room. A chandelier also hung from the ceiling.

Once I had checked out all the side rooms, I brought my attention to the room in the middle, where I was currently standing. There were two small, identical chairs. They both were fancy and looked comfortable, with all that padding and pillows. In between the two was a coffee table, which had a green water bottle on it, a coffee mug, and a pair of sunglasses.

I sat down in one of the chairs, and looked at the pamphlet Mr. Castillo had given me. It had a schedule on it, which I assumed was mine. It read,

Rayna Swan Schedule
Level 4

First - Recommended Fitness Period
Gym and Track 6:00 - 7:30 AM

Cafeteria Three 7:30 - 8:30 AM

Second - Training (Weapons, Combat, Paranormal tricks)
Training Area     8:40 - 10:40AM

Third - Biology of Paranormals
Block 4, Room 17 10:50 - 11:50 AM

Lunch Break
Cafeteria Three 11:50 - 12:50 PM

Fourth - Human Subjects (Includes mathematics, human history, english)
Block 2, Room 8 12:50 - 2:20 PM

Fifth - Languages (Latin, French, Spanish, Mandarin, and Paranormal languages)
Block 3, Room 2 2:30 - 3:20 PM

Sixth - History of Hunters and Paranormals
Block 2, Room 16 3:30 - 4:30PM

Free Period
4:30 - 5:30 PM

Seventh - Training (Weapons, Combat, Paranormal tricks)
Training Area 5:40 - 7:00 PM

Cafeteria Three 7:00 - 8:00 PM

Eighth - Recommended Training and Fitness
Gym and Track 8:00 - 9:30 PM

Free Period
9:30 - 11:00 PM

Block 6, Dorm Room 162 11:00 PM

Interesting. Some of those subjects sounded interesting, like Paranormal history and biology. I wondered what percent of the information the Hunters actually got right.

Normally, I'd be excited for training. I'm awesome at combat and weapons, obviously. I am ParaCo's best assassin, after all. But I here, I always have to be on guard. I can't show my true talent. None of these baby Hunters are as good as me at combat, and they'll be suspicious if I'm way better. I always need to remember.

Ah, shoot. I forgot to walk like a human during the tour today. Oh well. I wasn't around many people anyways, I'm sure no one noticed. I'll just need to be more thoughtful in the future. I glanced at the clock sitting in the girls' room. It read, "8:52" so breakfast was already over.

Then I heard a noise coming from the curtain- covered room. Someone groaned, and it sounded like someone was ruffling the sheets of a bed. A minute later, a hand pulled back the curtain, and a girl walked out of the room.

She was short, with messy red hair. She was already fully dressed, plus red lipstick to match her hair, and smokey eye shadow. She also had a bit of blush on, and eyeliner and mascara framed her gigantic green eyes.

Her eyes widened even further when she saw me. "Wh-who are you? What are you doing? Where's Cara? Oh shit, what time is it? Am I late? Are you gonna give me detention for missing so much class? Are you a new teacher? A new student on the student council?" She talked really quickly.

"Um... no. I'm your new roommate, Rayna. You asked where Cara was so I'm guessing you're Jezebel?" I asked.

"Yeah. Do you know where Cara is?"

"Probably in second period. Class already started. It's nearly nine o'clock." I answered.

She moaned. "Nooo. If I miss any more class I'll get a detention. Nice meeting you, but I gotta get going. See ya later! Oh and I assume that room is yours. Get comfy!" She said, then rushed out the door.

I looked at the room she'd pointed to. The uninhabited one, to the right of the entrance. I walked in, then closed the curtain that acted as a door. The room was only about six or seven feet wide, though the ceiling was pretty high. I only walked two feet before I hit the bed, which took up most of the space.

Next to it was a black bedside table, which had one small drawer and a gold alarm clock next to it. Nice.

I turned around as I heard my black bag float in behind me. I grabbed it, and the second I touched it, the enchantment keeping it airborne died.
It was heavy in my hands.

I zipped it open and began unpacking the contents. A locket, two pairs of earrings, some hair bands, toiletries, shirts, pants, jackets, dresses, shoes of all kinds. My running shoes, three pairs of heels, four pairs of boots, two pairs of flip flops, sandals, and three pairs of flats. I sighed. Most of my bag was filled with shoes, but I missed my walk in closet that consisted of, like, 90 pairs of shoes.

I decided to sleep the day away until dinner, where I'd meet up with Jezebel and hopefully meet Cara. Besides, I could attend classes tomorrow. Today, I was tired.

I got undressed and got into my sleep wear, which included dark purple leggings and a black shirt that had a purple dragon on it. I know, I know. It seems like a give away. But they're my favorite, plus they're just pajamas. No one will suspect that I'm a dragon because I wear dragon-themed shirts to bed. I just couldn't resist.

I pulled open the covers and lay down on the bed, below a red comforter, a fuzzy black blanket, and white sheets.
I closed my eyes, and was immediately asleep.

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