Chapter 6 - Baby Hunters

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My alarm clock went off for dinner. But that was hours ago. I'd accidentally crushed the clock with my dragon super strength. I hate alarms.

I'd ignored my alarm for dinner. But when a vaguely familiar voice told me to get up, and that it was time for school, I couldn't just crush it with super strength. And that fact was very annoying.

"Rayna. It was Rayna, right? Hey, breakfast ends in, like, twenty minutes." That voice.... ah. Right. It was Jezebel, my new roommate. Damn.

I groaned and said sleepily, "Mmm...'kay. Be there soon." I opened my eyes groggily and stared at the ceiling of my new room, complete with a crystal chandelier. The lights were off.

And then they weren't. My room suddenly lit up as someone, I assume Jezebel, turned on my lights from the outside. Now I was pissed.

"Hey! I said I was coming. Give me two minutes." I pulled my sleep shirt over my head and shimmied out of my pants. I shoved them into one of the empty draws at the bottom of the wall, and decided this would be my laundry drawer.

What to wear, what to wear. I decided on leggings (black, of course) and a tight, dark purple tank top. I slipped on some leather boots, and tied up my hair in a high ponytail. I would've dressed fancier if I wasn't headed to training after breakfast.

I smeared on some lip gloss, and called it done. I pulled back my curtain and walked into the center of our little common room. Jezebel and another girl were already there, waiting for me.

I assumed the other girl was Cara. I'd seen her picture before, though she'd been about eight in the photo. Still, she had the same dark brown hair, large gold-brown eyes, and full smile. Her skin looked airbrushed, and was a light coffee color. Cara was beautiful.

Jezebel wasn't lacking in beauty either

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Jezebel wasn't lacking in beauty either. Where Cara was beautiful in an earthy kinda way, Jezebel was like fire.

Her flame red hair poofed out everywhere, and she had huge, intense green eyes. Her lips were more of a Cupid's bow shape, and she had a small, cute nose that was decorated with freckles. She had very light skin, nearly white, and she was very pretty.

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