Chapter Forty Two: Give Him the Best Chance

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"Heart rate has increased dramatically," Baymax announced as the monitor alarm went off. "I detect elevated temperature and swelling of the brain."

"Brain activity has increased as well," Data reported as he watched the EEG machine spit out its readings. "Blood pressure reaching unsafe levels." Without need for a prompting, he turned to one of the cabinets lining the room and pulled out a vial and syringe. "I am administering 20cc of verapamil." He measured out the correct amount and injected it into the IV line. Hopefully it would help reduce Hiro's more than rapid pulse.

Several long moments followed before Hiro's heart rate began to slow down to a more acceptable range, his blood pressure following, though his temperature remained high. As an added precaution, Baymax had placed an oxygen mask over Hiro's nose and mouth. But, as the medication took full effect, the boy's vitals began to stabilize further.

At that exact moment, both Doctors strode into the room, each with an expression mirroring shock, concern, and dismay. "What's going on?" the bow-tied Doctor asked as he eyed the activity before him. At least one thing was obvious, Hiro had been returned to them, but apparently under less than ideal circumstances.

"What's wrong with the young whelp?" Q asked as he crowded in behind them. He could feel a greater sense of energy floating about the room, though he wasn't sure why.

Baymax looked up from his ministering. "I do not know," he confessed. "Hiro's physical state has somehow become compromised and I am unable to perform an accurate diagnosis."

The blue-clad Doctor pushed forward, pulling out his sonic screwdriver, which he used to scan the distraught youth. "This is impossible," he said, his eyes mirroring his immense confusion.

His companion pressed forward, also pulling out his sonic as he followed his predecessor's actions. "Absolutely impossible," he agreed as he looked up at his older incarnation with concern. "This should not be happening."

Data looked up at that as Baymax returned his attention to his patient. "Please explain what you mean," he requested. "You seem to have information we lack at this time."

"Do you know what is wrong with Hiro?" Baymax added as he noted the boy's further stability. Whatever had happened seemed to have either reversed itself or been countered by the medication the android had administered.

The two Doctors exchanged looks with each other once more before the newer one spoke up. "We have a theory, though I'm sure you won't like it." He glanced around the room to measure the various reactions of those around him. He continued, almost reluctantly. "It is entirely possible that Hiro is being affected by the intensity of the energy that seems to be collecting in this area."

Hearing that, Data pulled out his tricorder and scanned the area. He looked up with a puzzled expression on his face. "The Doctor is correct," he confirmed. "The concentration of energy in this area has increased significantly."

Baymax blinked. He'd detected the change, though he'd been too busy trying to stabilize his patient to give it too much thought. "I have a theory as well," he admitted. "It is entirely possible that what has been previously said is correct. Hiro has somehow become a magnet for the energy displaced when Q and his people entered our dimension. However, that does not explain the symptoms Hiro is exhibiting."

The blue-clad Doctor nodded and moved his hand to his chin as he thought about it. "You're absolutely right," he agreed. "But, what if there's another explanation. While we were gone, we took the opportunity of visiting the Rift and discovered it riddled with cracks. What if Hiro created several paradoxes when he went back and repeated his time line over and over again? And, what if each paradox created a slew of alternate realities?"

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