The Tape

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Just as the girls were about to get out of the room Nessa spotted a closet and the outline of a person. The person looked like they were leaning against the closet door.

"Natania, look at the closet."

Natania and Nessa looked at each other with confused looks. Nessa held on to Natania's arm and pulled her towards the closet with her. Nessa put her hand on the handle and slowly twisted it open. A pale, lifeless body fell out of the closet, Nessa stifled a scream and Natania covered her mouth with her hands and took a step back because the head fell on top of her left foot.

"No,no,no." was all Natania could mumble.

Nessa leaned down and pressed her thumb and pointer finger against the person's wrist, there was no pulse. Natania then took a few steps forward and looked into the closet and was hit by the scent of death. She then looked up and saw mannequins and mannequin hands and heads. The person who stuffed the body in the closet was clearly trying to hide it among the mannequins and mannequin hands and heads.

"I don't think this body has been here for a very long while." Nessa said shakily.

Natania couldn't even respond to Nessa, she just nodded her head. The body was still on its stomach and neither Nessa or Natania wanted to see the face or knew what to do about the situation. Nessa's curiosity came over her and she leaned down and turned the body over. The girls knew without doubt that it was the body of a female around twenty years old. The woman was wearing a long black dress and her eyes were still wide open which made it look like she was making eye contact with Nessa.

"I feel sick, can we please get out of here now?" Natania asked.

"But what about the body?" Nessa asker while still looking at the body.

"Nessa, if you want to stay down here and be killed by whatever killed her fine, but I'm not staying down her." Natania said letting the frustration out.

"We're trapped in here anyway. That man isn't going to give up so easily." Nessa said getting​ frustrated too.

Natania just sighed and continued exploring the closet. She was looking at one of the mannequin head when she spotted a white​ piece of paper  tucked under the right foot of one of the mannequins. She go closer to the mannequin and leaned down to get the piece of paper but this​ mannequin was unusually heavy and she couldn't​ pull it out from under the mannequin by herself.

"Nessa, come help me lift up this mannequin." Natania said keeping her eye on the mannequin as if it would move if she looked away for a second.

Nessa walked over to the mannequin and saw the piece of paper tucked under the foot of the mannequin. All she had to do was push the mannequin so it fell over and Natania picked up the piece of paper.

"The basement hides the story." Natania read.

"What does that mean?" Nessa asked herself out loud.

"I don't know, but I do know that we need to go back to the basement." Natania said now getting excited.

Nessa was unsure of how the would get pass whatever was on the other side of the door or if the body's was an important part in solving the mystery of the house but she was not going to stay alone in a room with a dead body. Without another word the girls climbed out of the room and walked towards the door in the room. Natania kneeled down and looked through the space between the bottom of the door and the floor. She did not see anything under the door so she put put her hand and Nessa immediately knew she wanted the key so she handed it to her. Natania hesitantly opened the door then looked back at Nessa for reassurance and Nessa nodded her head and gently pushed Natania forward. The girls walked quietly toward the basement and their was an occasional creak that came from nowhere and it would make their heart skip a beat but they kept going. When they reached to the basement Natania pushed the door open and peered in to see if the man was in there and he wasn't so they began their journey down the stairs.

"I'm guessing we need to find a tape." Nessa whispered.

Natania nodded in agreement and wondered how they would play the tape.

"Nessa, how are we going to play the tapes?"

"I don't know, we'll just have to figure it out when we find the tape."

The girls then continued down the stairs and made sure not to step on the stair that creaked when they were leaving the basement the last time. When the girls reached the last step they let out a breath they were holding in for a long while. The first thing they noticed was that now there was a old TV in the corner of the left side of the room.

"This wasn't here the last time we came down here." Nessa stated

"Yeah..." Natania muttered back.

The girls slowly walked towards the TV. Natania pressed the on button on the TV and static came on but then it stopped and a thirty something year old looking man sitting down on the floor came on the screen. The first thing he said was that it was 1984 and that he was the current owner of the house.

"This house... It's not normal. If you're seeing this tape right now you're probably trapped. I can't help you to get out but i can tell you that you need to burn this house down if you get out alive. I would burn the house down but I need to get away now, I have no time. Just know that this house is home to many bad things that you should not be playing with."

After the man finished speaking the TV shut off​ and the room was silent again.

"Fifteen more hours until we can get out of here and burn this house down with or without Beth." Natania said without any emotion.

Nessa just nodded her head and followed Natania back up the stairs in complete silence and this point neither of them knew where they were going they just needed to survive.

Announcement: I will not be updating this book for a few week because I have exams coming up. I'm sooo sorry, but I promise I will update after the few weeks. Thank you for reading this chapter. ☠

Sorry for any mistakes in the chapter.

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