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As we know in the last rant, I've talked to you all about how I dislike, no, HATE, people asking me to follow them, if you've done it to me, no problem, it's a bit of my fault I haven't said anything about this. Now you know. So don't do it. Oh, back to this rant.

I'd rather read what book I choose, sure, maybe if I'm in the right mood. But no... I'm so done. SO DONE. No more talk about you books that are most likely good. It just annoys me, is all, well, rants are literally what you're annoyed about. Also, stop junking up the fanfic section with your 1D stuff. Calm. The. Duck. Down. I swear some of them are for some kind of sexual pleasure ((don't you lie)) so I won't even, I just... Won't.

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