Non lumpy earth

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Okay. Why am I so ticked off about this? I don't know. I'm used to being in Lumpy land New York and not the endless flat land of Colorado.

It angers me to see such endless land of nothing. And seriously? I see tumbleweeds. Yeah. The ones you know that you see in cartoons. They're real. And they're roaming this flat land.

I'm on a trip, yeah? And my sister designated the hashtag for this trip to be #IneedmoreLumpyEarth

Also, while I completely passed out on the car ride to our hotel, she apparently cried because of the need to "Have more lumpy earth."

So yeah. I feel like I'm in a scene of 'The Walking Dead' with all the abandoned houses and crap. I can already hear the theme song coming on while we drive among this abandoned highway of nothing.

I see cows everywhere too. And I think, "Are they wild or just so far away from their farm that they got lost?"

Well, flat land of nothingness is going to be outside my window for the next... I'd say 4 hours.

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