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The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

In the dim light of a much-used torch and a vintage lighter, Lyosha sat beside Jimin underneath the drooping willow tree, a copy of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde brandished in his sordid hands. They had spent the day walking Jimin's Samoyed dogs and saying hi to the koi in the forest pond, and sundown marked the last night before their Literature assignment.

"You're so lazy, Jimmy," Lyosha had said, sitting ungracefully on his arse on the ground below the willow. "You say I'm the procrastinator, but I've got the damn book in my man-bag."

"Don't ever say man-bag again," Jimin said fondly, sitting next to him, taking his lighter from his pocket, and flicking it on. "It's getting dark. Shouldn't we be heading back?"

"Obviously not," Lyosha said with disdain. "Just tell the guys at JYP that we lost track of time."

Balancing an education and a life as a JYP trainee was hard, and both Lyosha and Jimin managed to do it terribly. The trainees were allowed to take a day off, and the pair of them spent it perfectly. They had taken a train to the countryside where Jimin's parents lived, high class and all, and spent the day walking around the near forest, at the height of summer.

That's the exposition. Both Samoyed dogs had curled up beside Jimin, who was now drifting off into an idle sleep, with Lyosha's monotonous reading voice serving as a strange lullaby. The latter didn't notice, his eyes fixated on the small print.

"He's an extraordinary-looking man, and yet I really can name nothing out of the way. No, sir; I can make no hand of it; I can't describe him. And it's not want of memory, for I declare I can see him this moment." Lyosha briefly stopped reading, and turned his head to Jimin, who had his eyes closed, sleeping softly. He frowned.

"Has my beautiful reading voice sent you to sleep?" he asked, nudging Jimin.

"Not anymore," he replied sleepily, swatting Lyosha away like an annoying fly. "Keep reading. I'm absorbing the knowledge, Lyo."

Lyosha raised his eyebrows, but didn't comment further. He raised the book to his eyes, and cleared his throat. "Mr Utterson again walked some way in silence, and obviously under a weight of consideration. 'You are sure he used a key?' he inquired at last..."

They continued until the stars were out, and Lyosha refused to read anymore if Jimin kept falling asleep. They had reached the forty-first page, and Lyosha was about to explain Dr. Jekyll's full statement of the case, when Jimin had tipped the iceberg by falling asleep on his shoulder.

"There's no bloody train at this time," Jimin complained, refusing to move. "You'll have to stay at my house anyway."

"I'm not sleeping at your house, Jimmy," he replied, turning away so he couldn't see his unserious expression.

"Oh my God Lyosha, grow up," Jimin muttered, about to perform the task of waking up his dogs without causing a riot. "I'm not going to jump on you during your sleep."

"I wasn't expecting it," said Lyosha, turning on the torch on his phone and surveying the surroundings. "You know what would be good right now? A flash photo of the koi."

He sat down beside the pond's edge, and stuck his finger in the water. That's it, that's all you do to get the koi up. They appeared at the surface, Lyosha interjecting a merry, "Say cheese!" before scaring them all away with the flash as he took a photo.

"I should take you to my good old ranch one day," said Lyosha, becoming unnecessarily nostalgic. He stood up, and started editing the fuck out of his koi photo. "We've got five greyhounds, beautiful racing dogs they are. They used to be energetic back then but now all they do is lie around."

Jimin raised his eyebrows sceptically. "You sure have a lot of pets."

"Yeah, well. I love them all, but you know that I love rabbits the most." His words softened, as he started remembering all the rabbits he'd ever petted, and started dying inside because rabbits represent all that is good.

"Let's get you home, Lyo," Jimin sighed, as both his dogs barked at his feet, and he had the look of someone who was 100% done.

"When we get home, can I pet your cat? I love cats," Lyosha added, sure to make the walk back more daunting than ever.

"You can pet my friggin' lampshade if it'll ensure you shut up."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
ew omg wtf i was supposed to update this as a massive long thing with massive long scenes but i was halfway through and decided to fuck it and publish one of them

so i'm really sorry if your character isn't even in this, but i promise they will be in later chapters

also i am a professional koi attractor, i'm not even lying if you stuck your finger in a koi pond they all come up

IVYTAE slutdae holykris amodeous -hyunjin bubblegumsuga


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