×Chapter 11×

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I finally got on the plane. I was sitting in the waiting room in the airport for two straight hours. My friends and I were extremely bored.

I am in 1B and Alyssa is in 2B. Erika and Ariel sat behind us.

"Oh my god. I cannot wait. One whole month away from my parents!" Alyssa screeched.

"Sssshhh!" I hushed her. "Yeah I know. It is pretty exciting." I ignored the knot in the pit of my stomach. I already missed Jason.

"I'm so lucky that we're cousins or else I wouldn't have been able to go." She said happily.

"Yeah." I said. I just wanted to sleep. Alyssa had a reputation of being extremely chatty. Maybe a little too chatty.

I think Alyssa took the hint and put her earphones in.

I sighed in relief. I lay my head back on the head rest and fell into a deep sleep...


I have been extremely mad since Natalia left. It was getting to be ridiculous.

My phone vibrated. I looked at it hoping it was Natalia saying she wasn't going.

It was an unknown number.

"Hello?" I said.

"Meet me behind the dumpsters at Chifton Mart." a gruff voice said. Then he hung up.

Chifton Mart was two blocks away from my house. I wasn't scared. Maybe a little freaked out but not scared, I could defend myself.

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