Chapter 2

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Erin's P.O.V.

Chapter 2

"How.. Wh-why are youu hhere..?" I backed up until I was against the wall, a few customers turned round and started to stare, but soon lost interest.
"Are you ok? You like like you have seen a ghost." He flashed me his gorgeous, award winning smile. I felt my cheeks go bright red, I never blush, apart from now. Liam seemed to notice which made him grin even more.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know.. Urm.. It was you." I stuttered, I felt myself get redder, if that was even possible.
"No, it's ok, don't apologise." He said.
"I will go and get your drink and muffin." I said and rushed off before he could say anything else.

I ran to the kitchen and sat on the floor, my head in between my knees. What just happened? I tried to get my head around it. Liam hemsworth just walked into my cafe and tried to flirt with me? Was that even possible, I slowly got out and exited the room. I told Mia, another employee to make the mocha for me whilst I went into the toilets. I put on a layer of mascara and a light coating of lipgloss. I walked out, wishing I had taken more time to do my hair this morning.

I grabbed a blueberry muffin and the mocha and took a deep breath, as casually as I could, I walked over to his table.
"Hey, sorry about that." I said with a huff. "Don't worry about it, but I'm a bit lonely, do you mind sitting down with me?" Liam asked, tilting the corners of his mouth up.
"Yeah sure, let me grab a snack though." I said and spun on my heels and fled back to the kitchen. How on hell did Liam have an interest with me?
I grabbed a chocolate muffin and a hot chocolate and rejoined him at the table.

"So you like chocolate huh?" He said, pointing at my muffin and drink.
"Yeah, you could say I have a sweet tooth." I said with a grin. He flashed me one straight back.
"So Liam, what brought you to this tiny cafe in the middle of nowhere?" I asked curiously.
"Well, I was just on my way back from the airport, I just finished shooting catching fire in Hawaii." He answered.
"Oh cool, it comes out soon right?" I felt like I was the new host of a quiz show. "Yeah, it will be in cinema in 3 weeks." He said.
I just finished my muffin when he spoke "oh my god, look at the time, I was meant to be home an hour ago, look, can I have your number? And we can meet up soon?" He asked, curiously. "Yeah sure." I grabbed his phone and punched my number onto the keys. "Thankyou, I had fun." He said, looking down into my eyes.
"Yeah me too." And with that he fled the cafe.


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