Chapter 7

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Erin's P.O.V.

Chapter 7

I woke up and rolled over, a smile playing at my lips, Liam had kissed me, twice.
I smelt bacon and followed the scent down the stairs and into the kitchen. Liam was cooking breakfast.

"Hello, did you have a good sleep?" He asked, staring into my eyes.
"I did thank you." I said back.
He continued cooking "So what catches your eye?"
"You." I replied cheekily. he smiled and blushed.
"Ok, and what about the food?"
"Urm.." I eyed the food carefully. "The bacon and eggs." I said, only then did I realise how starving I was.

Liam handed me my plate and we dug in.
"So, the director just called and said that we get today off because tomorrow we have a flight to North Carolina early morning to start shooting for mockingjay." He said slowly.
"Ok, how long will you be gone?" I asked, hoping it wasn't going to be too long.
"3 weeks." he said.
"oh.." I said.
"Listen, I don't want to be too forward, but do you want to come?" He asked.
"Urm, yes I guess so." I said back, I can't believe he wanted to take me.
"Good, because I don't think I would have been able to survive them 3 weeks without you." he said smiling, before he leant in and kissed me.

A liam hemsworth dreamWhere stories live. Discover now