check yes or no [jyatt]

753 48 14

written by molly (:


jaeden shakily wrote on the paper, pressing his lips together as the words came together. he couldn't believe he was doing this, and this takes little to no confidence to do. though, he still didn't have enough to finish the word 'me'.

he stole a glance at wyatt, his heart beginning to ache and his head beginning to spin. my god, jaeden thought, what do you do to me, wyatt? the answer was, of course, he made jaeden completely and utterly dumbfounded.

jaeden fell in love with no one to catch him below.

he quickly looked back down at his paper as wyatt's head turned to look at the clock, right above jaeden. he didn't want the boy to catch him staring; that would be weird, and he would most obviously mark no.

jaeden shook his head and instead finished the note, trying to make his handwriting neat rather than a mess. he then drew two boxes, and above those two, he wrote either 'yes' or 'no'.

jaeden lieberher has liked wyatt oleff since the fourth grade. now here they were, juniors, and he still couldn't muster up enough courage to tell him. after all, wyatt was fairly popular, and quite the charmer, meaning everyone liked him.

wyatt could actually have anyone he wanted, so why the hell would he choose someone like jaeden?

regardless of his thoughts, jaeden finished the note and folded it a few times over. he glanced at the clock, it reading two-fifty-seven, and then at wyatt. three minutes until the end of class, until jaeden hands this note to the boy of his dreams.

three minutes until jaeden's dreams are crushed.

the three minutes went by incredibly slowly, but when the bell rang, jaeden felt himself freeze. his time was running out as he sat there, wyatt was already stood up and gathering his stuff. jaeden took a deep breath before standing up, walking over to wyatt slowly.

once he made it to his desk, wyatt hadn't noticed him, as he was looking down to get his things. jaeden panicked; should he say something, or just drop the note? he decided it would be better if he just dropped it, maybe-

wyatt looked up, furrowing his eyebrows. once he recognized it as jaeden, he smiled, but the boy in front of him was far too frozen in thought to feel anything. instead, jaeden's eyes widened as he smiled a forced smile, dropping the note on wyatt's desk as he walked away as quick as he could.

wyatt's smile faded as he watched jaeden walked away. truth was, he had been looking to find time to talk to the boy lately. but he's been a little...awkward about it? he doesn't know, he just doesn't want to embarrass himself.

regardless, wyatt had picked up the paper and carefully opened it. he read the message and smiled a little, looking around for a pen or pencil. he took one from his bag, bending over so he could write properly.

he folded up the paper again, holding it tightly as he left the classroom. it took him awhile, as he has never visited, but wyatt eventually found jaeden's locker, the boy next to it. wyatt walked up to him.

jaeden turned around slowly, his heart stopping. he couldn't talk, couldn't move. wyatt only smiled and set the note down in jaeden's locker, walking away without a word.

jaeden's breath was hitched, but he finally regained it as he looked at the note. he was deathly afraid to open it, but hey, the worst he could say was no. or 'i hate you, you are disgusting and don't ever talk to me again'. but let's hope he didn't say that.

the boy shakily took the note, unfolding it with his eyes closed. he didn't want to open his eyes, but eventually he did, and he was too shocked to speak. the 'yes' box was filled in with dark graphite from a pencil, with that a note below.

i've been meaning to talk to you, jaeden. maybe you could text me? and yes, i like you.

-wyatt xx

written below the boy's signature was his number and a heart. jaeden internally freaked out, his eyes bulging out of their sockets. this was too good to be true. was this a prank?

no, wyatt isn't that heartless. he isn't heartless at all, jaeden would say.

jaeden finally smiled, pumping his fist in the air with a breathy and excited 'yes'. wyatt watched from the row of lockers across, smiling from ear to ear at the cute boy.


this one was v cute i'm proud

thank you haylea for the idea <3


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