ice cream [jyatt]

715 43 17

written by molly woo


wyatt sat at his lunch table, admiring the boy on the other side of the cafeteria. he couldn't keep his eyes off of him; it was like there was some magnetic force attaching his eyes to jaeden's face, eyes, hair, body, everything. he couldn't do anything to stop it, because that force was far more powerful than any one that he could conjure up.

"hey, you idiot!" jack snapped in front of wyatt's face quickly, causing the boy to jump lightly as he fell out of his daze. "stop staring at that skinny boy and eat or something," he said quickly, taking a bite out of his watermelon slice. wyatt sighed, then frowned. jack noticed his sad expression, quickly acting upon it. "what's wrong?" he said, a mouthful of juicy watermelon dribbling out.

wyatt shook his head; it was pointless to get into it, anyway. he's already told jack everything, and jack frankly doesn't give a shit. it's only when wyatt breaks down occasionally, that's when jack cares a great deal. otherwise, wyatt's not even sure why they're declared best friends. "come on, bub, tell me!" jack badgered him.

he hit wyatt's shoulder a little too hard, the boy not in a good enough mood to laugh it off. "it's just...why do i have such a massive crush on someone like him, jack? someone who is perfect and amazing and will never like me...i'm just such a fuck up," wyatt exhaled slowly after his sentences were spoken. he felt like he was going to rip his hair out.

jack frowned. "my baby boy!" he exclaimed, throwing down his watermelon slice, which did cause some of the juice to splash up, and wrapping his arms around wyatt quickly and tightly. "you are not a fuck up, wy, and you are perfect and amazing. hell, jaeden would be lucky to have you, if he could ever get you!" jack hugged tighter as he smiled.

wyatt felt the corners of his mouth lift up into a small smile. "thanks, jack," he said with a low tone, removing jack's arms from his neck (as he was thinking he was about to choke to death before he could date the boy of his dreams). "do you think you could hang out after school?" he asked, jack picking up a piece of pizza from his tray.

he shook his head. "can't. going out with finn," he said plainly, taking a bite from his slice. wyatt sighed, deciding to return his attention to the masterpiece of artwork that was jaeden lieberher. he dreamily watched the boy as jaeden laughed, smiled, talked, ate, and just sat there. everything he did was flawless to wyatt.


"jack! there you are, were you about to leave without me?" wyatt ran up to the boy, who was next to finn wolfhard. it was predictable that they were together, they always were next to each other, but wyatt and jack walk home together normally every day.

jack turned around, looking at him. "oh, finn and i were going to go straight to the diner. sorry, wy," he said quickly, walking over and hugging the boy. "feel better," jack said with his voice lowered. he then let go of wyatt, walked over to finn, and they were off to their diner date.

wyatt sighed, clasping the straps of his backpack tightly as he looked around. so he's walking home alone, huh? the boy started walking to the door, then down the outside steps, and now finally on the sidewalk. he looked around a little before finally actually starting his destination towards his home.

he walked and walked for awhile, his house sort of far away from his school, but still a safe walking distance. he felt his stomach growl, aching for food, as he didn't eat during lunch because he was so fixated on the boy he likes dearly. wyatt looked around, spotting an ice cream parlor on the other side of the street. ice cream may not fill him up, but it will help him get home in time.

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