i'm sorry [jyatt]

748 47 42

written by haylea :,)


Jaeden slung his backpack off of his shoulder and onto his messy bed immediately when he got home. He wiped the beads of sweat off his forehead and set his skateboard in its usual spot it was always in when he got home from school.

Right when he was about to flop down on his bed he stopped midway, his phone alarming him with a singular vibration from his pants pocket. He sat down slowly this time, taking his phone out and unlocking it as he did so, reading the messages from the one and only Wyatt Oleff. Jaeden Wesley Lieberher's best friend since he could remember, crush, and secretive boyfriend. . .or something like that.

Wy: Jaeeeden

Wy: baby jaeden

Wy: It's been 40 minutes get your ass home already

Jae is typing. . .

Jae: Im here now, you happy?

Wy: Very

Jae: Can you come tonight?

Wy: i have to work the night shift, im sorry <3

Jae: Its fine, see you at school tomorrow. ily.

Jaeden shut his phone off and lied down, looking up at the white, bland, ceiling. Over the past few months, him and Wyatt have made a deal. And that deal was to not tell anyone anything about their relationship. It was understandable then, both boys being scared out of their minds of judgement, and them getting bullied because of it, losing friends over it etc. etc. etc.

Since then, Jaeden let his mind venture, and he made the decision a few nights ago that he didn't want to keep it a secret anymore, and he didn't give a care in the world about what anyone thought because the important part was that he got to be with the person he loved throughout all of it.

And he fell asleep with his mind on the topic, it only being 4PM.

The next day, Jaeden woke up feeling pretty confident. He did his normal morning routine. Took a shower, got dressed, checked his phone, got his skateboard and went to school, but that day felt different.

He felt his phone ding in his pocket again and he put his foot down on the ground to slow down his speed so he wouldn't crash into something, he got used to this since he got messages so often.

Wy: Good morning <3

Jae: Good morning? You can't wait until school starts can you?

Wy: Don't act so surprised i do this every morning, but as a matter of fact no, i cant wait

Jae: this is why i love you

Wy: i know

Jaeden smiled at his phone screen and shut it off once more, the screen turning black and the warmth of Wyatt's words no longer there. He couldn't believe he even wanted to do this.

He was tapping his pencil against the desk later that day, staring down the clock waiting for the bell to ring. He hasn't seen Wyatt yet, which he usually did in the morning but he was pretty late to school.

Ring, ring

The first ring didn't even have to finish because Jaeden was already up and heading towards the door, probably being the first or the second one out of the classroom.

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