Tape 6:Side A

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I grabbed another tape. I felt like if I pressed that play button one more time that I would be committing a sin. God, I hate myself. I keep thinking about if I was with Liza the night of her death, she would still be alive.

I decided to text the group even though I told them not to text me.

Me: hey, I know I told you all not to snap me today but I wanted to let you know that I shot myself last night. I was two inches away from dying. I'm sorry I disappointed you and didn't finish the job. Love you all! Bye.
Gabbs🔥: DAVID JULIAN DOBRIK! Suicide is never the option. You know how we feel now with Liza gone. Can you imagine how we would feel if you left too?
Scotty💀: dude, you should just come talk to us when you are feeling this way.
Me: that's just it. I didn't know I was doing what I did until after the fact.
Dom👌: let's just say I've been cleaning up for the last four hours.. god David don't ever think about doing that again.
Toddy: wow.
Read by All.

That means "Liza" read it too. God, I miss her. I think I should tell her parents to stop checking our group chat.

Me: guys? Do you ever see where Liza has read our messages?
Toddy: nope. it just says read by all of us who are alive.. it doesn't say All like it use too.
Gabbs🔥: wow toddy. very nice way of putting that.
Me: listen, I'm depressed. I need help.
Gabbs🔥: Dave, we are all here for you rather some of us *cough cough* Todd, like to admit or not. We would terribly miss you and hate ourselves if you died.
Me: thanks Gabbs.
Gabbs🔥: no problem. I think Dom, Zane, Toddy, Corinna, And Alex are going to come visit you around 4 today. need anything?
Me: not anything that I can have rn.
Gabbs🔥: stay strong buddy. Love u
Me: love you all 2

I put my phone down and committed the sin once again.

"Hi. Welcome back. Right now I have a pounding headache but I know I need to finish this so I can finish what I started. Life. My next tape goes out to society. You know? The big group of people who constantly scream at you telling you who to be, how to act, what to look like, etc. We are faced with 'Society' everyday of our lives. Society has changed me. I can't handle the pressure of being in the spotlight anymore. I'm constantly told, "Why are you so weird?", "Why don't you ever reveal your body like other YouTubers do?", "Why don't you do the Chapstick Challenge with David?", "Why are you so flat?". Well, honeys. I have no choice but to be flat. I also believe that YouTube is more than just revealing your body, making out with somebody, and being another basic Barbie on the internet. Why am I weird? I didn't know I was. I thought I was myself. Myself is all I need at the moment. It's the only thing that will be with me at all times. Sadly. Little do you know, how much I hate my body, my personality, my channel, myself, and my life. Which, if you are listening to this you probably already know. I mean, why else would a rich, successful YouTuber kill herself. Oh, that's right. The Attention. I maybe looking up at you right now, but I know the comments, the stares, the eyerolls, and the laughter shared due to my death. I also know about the cries, hugs, depression, and sorrow of my death. Only close friends, who don't deserve to be on these tapes or aren't, would know about that. So, ATTENTION SOCIETY! You have killed the great Liza Koshy. Good job. Yes, that internet based voice that is always yelling at us killed somebody. The somebody happened to me."

The tape was over. It was short, but meaningful. I knew Liza would make jokes about her body, personality, and life but I didn't know she truly meant them. After all, it was on camera.

Liza is gone from us all just because of some terrible comments on YouTube.

What a shame.

This world killed an innocent girl who never deserved to die.

How cruel...

How sad...

With every thought, little did I know, I was slipping away from reality. And life.

Author's Note:
Short chapter, I know. Tape 13, and all chapters after that will be long. Please check out my other DIZA books on my page. Much love for you all.

Shoutout: LizaxDavid112815

(She's always active, nice, and amazing! Love ya bbg.)

I wanted everyone to know that yes, there is that voice on the internet constantly screaming at us to be somebody. We are though! We are. We are our own-selves who doesn't need makeup, attention, boys, or followers. We are all perfect the way we are!

Love yourself.


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