Underwater Royal

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Full name: Leon Coriolis (last name)
Nickname: Leo
Age: 15
Sexuality: straight
Gender: male
FC: (can you find a pic?)
Creature: Merman
Personality: Leo is a very care free spirit and is definitely the more adventurous one. He doesn't have as much responsibility and doesn't exactly love it either. He can be very argue-mental and gives his older siblings a hard time. He secretly really looks up to them and wishes they would say that they were proud that he was their brother. Leon wishes to be like them one day. The young prince can be helpful when he really wants to be and has a big heart for animals. He is the best at communicating with them.
Likes: He loves exploring and finding new things using the animals as a lever to help him out. He adores the undersea animals as well having a good connection with most of them. He knows exactly what they want and uses them to his advantage. The sharks and killer whales are always on his side. He also really like tinkering with knew things using the human's belongings as part of his little creations. Experimenting is his forte.
Dislikes: The one see animal that he absolutely hates are clown fish. They appear to be very stubborn and he can never get inside their home to talk to them. He is working on an invention for that as well. He doesn't like the color white very much. It usually meant death in the ocean. The vibrant colors of the coral looses its brightness to the full white.
Flaws: Even if he does want to be like his older siblings, he is terrible at showing it. He can't express his emotions very well at being mostly an introvert and all. He just doesn't know how to talk to them rather then arguing.
Fears: He fears that everyone will look down at him because of his behavior but he honestly doesn't know how to fix it.
Weaknesses: he might be able to communicate with creatures but the mermen are a completely different story. He never knows what to say especially to strangers. He is quiet and shy around people he doesn't know and when they try to talk to him he stutters and blushed often with embarrassment. But with his siblings, his mouth always seems to be running.
Thoughts on Curse: He hates the curse. He says, "They are the ones polluting our ocean! Spilling their garbage around like it's theirs. They should stay on their own turfs. And don't even get me started on how they are the ones eating all our fish. They are killing their own kind."
Favorite Color: Sunset Orange

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