The Overly-Optimistic Queen

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Name: Isabelle _____of Zelda
Age: 44
Gender: Female
FC: Keira Knightley
Personality: The queen is usually always happy as not much ruined her glowing aura. She thinks that smiling is the most important thing to do. It can give hope to those around them and serving her people is one of her top priorities after her husband of course, whom she loves with all heart. She can sense the bad in people but tends to like to think the best. She tries to not let anything get her down but when terror strikes, she will take her position as queen and use it well. If you have wronged her or her husband, she can be very unforgiving. Second chances aren't a thing in her book. You strike and your out. Her punishment may be lighter depending on who you are but nevertheless, she will ensure the safety of her people. She is very outgoing and open to doing new things so don't be scared to suggest anything to her or even ask for something that you would like. She knows her boundaries but will do anything she can to help you.
Thoughts on selection: She loves it! She made the idea of the Selection after all. Isabelle cannot wait to see all of her potential children. She plans on getting to know everyone and loving each of them with all her heart. She has very high hopes.
Theme song:

(You do know a good theme song for her? I don't really know many songs TBH.) Ruwa456

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