Who's Potter and Who's hotter?

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Riker's pov

Ok, so maybe I do like Vanessa but I feel attracted to Laura. I know, it's weird for a number if reasons.

1. She's way younger than me

2.She is already dating Ross

3.Ross and her are basically meant to be

4.Ross would kill me

5.She doesn't even like me...

Anyway, I feel like Laura is so beautiful and attractive but Vanessa is EVERYTHING. I really don't know. I need to speak to Ratliff...

Rydel's pov

"Hey, rat!"I spoke.

"Hey,"He replied. We were on the phone.

"Do you want to come over and watch a movie?"

"Sure, I'll come in 5 minutes."

"Ok, see you then! Bye!"



"Hey, Rat, could I borrow you for a minute?" Riker interrupted.

"Um, ok. You don't have to pause it, Del."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." We were half-way through watching the WHOLE Harry Potter series.

Ratliff's pov

"Hey, sup?" Ratliff asked after I closed the door behind me.

"Dude, I need love advice."

ExamplesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora