Cheating and Beating

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Rydel's pov

OK, so I know cheating is bad.

I also know that when Ell finds out, he's going to hate me.

So, I better break up with Derek soon.

It's just that my old 'friend' Lisa blackmailed me into dating Derek so that she could win Ellington over. She said that if I didn't cheat she would spill my big secret. I can't let that happen.

Laura's pov

Ross and I were making out on the sofa when Rydel barged in.


I pulled away, and looked up.

"What's the matter?!"Ross snapped.

"Um. Uh. Hold on." She took a step back and I could hear her fan girling and chanting: Raura.

I chuckled.

"Ok, now what's the matter?"

I asked.

She stepped forward into the room.

"I need you now! Code Love!"

Ross grunted, "Ok. She'll be up in a sec."

She nodded. "Be quick!"

I turned to face him when he crashed his lips on mine.

He bit my lip and asked for entrance. I blocked him and pulled away.

"Whyyyy?!"He whined.

I chuckled.

"Got to go."

"Ugh. I hate Rydel."

I laughed. I kissed his cheek and ran up to Rydel.


"So she said she would tell everyone my big secret if I didn't cheat."

"Woah. That's terrible."

"I know. So what do I do?"

"Talk to Ell."


"It's the best option he'll help you. I would tell him myself but I think it's best if you do."

"Um. Uh. Ok, I'll do it."


I ran downstairs. I was just passing the living room door to walk to the kitchen when a strong, muscular arm grabbed my waist and pulled me into the lounge.

"Ross!"I shrieked.

"Yes?"He whispered down my ear, giving me the chills.

I unlaced myself out of his brace and faced him.

"What? Why-

He interrupted me by kissing me.

I wrapped my legs around him and he carried me over to the sofa.

Man, he kept trying to deepen the kiss even more. If that was even possible.

I pulled away.


"We need to go now! It's 3 o'clock now."


I rolled my eyes and jumped off him. I grabbed my jacket, tied my shoes and pulled him out the door.

"BYE GUYS!" Ross shouted before slamming the door behind him.

"Well, I'm suprised you have so much energy after moaning for 5 minutes non stop."

He smirked. "You know what else I have energy for?"


He chuckled.


We arrived at Starbucks and Ross tightened his grip on my hand. I looked up at him with a reassuring smile.

Soon, I spotted Cole.

I pointed.

"There he is." I squinted to take a better look.

I spoke, without taking my eyes off him. "WOAH! He is hot! Don't you think Ross? Isn't he-

Ross coughed.

I looked at Ross.

"Yes? Oh right! Sorry."

He just nodded.

Damn, he's mad at me now.

We walked over to Cole. I squeezed Ross's hand. From the corner of my eye, I think I saw a small smile.



He looked towards me. He ran up to me and gave a hug, breaking Ross's grip. "I've missed you so much, Laur."

Ross's pov

HE JUST CALLED HER LAUR! THATS MY THING!! I was already unhappy about meeting up as he thinks that they can just go back together, just. like. that.

"Um. Your sweet. Uh, Cole." Laura looked at me. "This is Ross." "Ross this is Cole.

He put his hand out for me I shake it. I shook it quickly.

"Hey, Rod. How are you. Funny, Laura's never mentioned you before."

Well, that was a bit upsetting, but she might've...He's probably just trying to split us apart.

I looked at Laura with a hint of sadness. She replied with an apologetic look.

"Oh, I bet she has, it's just that you weren't paying attention." I said.

Laura gaped.

He laughed coldly, "Oh, I know Laura quite well. Did you know that we are an 'item'"

Hold on! I thought they broke up.

"What? No! Laura! This isn't true. L-

"Cole! We broke up!" Laura said.

"Oh yeah. I forgot, sorry. So, Laura, will you be my girlfriend?"

I prepared to wait for her answer.



Hope you guys liked it! It was quite long, but I haven't updated in like..forever! Anyway, what do you think Laura's going to say? Probably No, right? she could always change her mind... 😜

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