Dates and mates

323 11 1

Ratliff's pov

"Wow, your eyes really do glow if you look close enough." I lied.

She giggled, "Aww, thanks."

We sat on a blanket watching the sunset - which was really a waste of time.

I looked behind at Rydel and ?????? and nodded.

"I know it's a bit early to ask, but-"

"No! No! Go-on!" She said.

I carried on,"Will you please-

"Hey guys!!!"Ryland pushed between us, although there was plenty of space, and sat right in the middle."

Lisa looked ticked off.

"Hey dude, what's up?" I asked him, we did our little handshake.

"Nothing much, did you see last week's football game."

"Yeah, I watched it with you!"

"Oh yeah. And-

Lisa interrupted us with a loud fake cough.

Ryland jumped after seeing her, "Who's this's ugly-

"-Lisa is beautiful." I interjected. I must say I am rather good at acting.

"Aww, thanks."

Ryland looked disgusted.

"Anyway, Ratliff,"she continued. "What were you going to ask me?"


"You were asking me if I could... Something. Perhaps go-

"Yeah, go." Ryland said as he stuffed his mouth full of sandwiches.

I knew she meant go out.

"You can go! I was here first!" She yelled at Ryland.

"Guys, it's ok. I was just asking you if you could pass me-

"By!" Ryland exclaimed, "Pass me by!" (1)

"Haha, yeah. If you could pass the basket to me please."

She looked very disappointed.


(1) if you don't know r5 well, then pass me by is one of their songs

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2015 ⏰

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